Some people get so caught up in righteousness, holiness, and - TopicsExpress


Some people get so caught up in righteousness, holiness, and purity that they start losing touch of reality. They tend to forget that we live in a fallen world and that this life is not easy, some a lot less than others. What Im tryna say is, before you point the finger, take into consideration the obstacles, take into consideration the struggles, and remember that temptation is very real and that no one is perfect. Yes EVERYTHING is possible through Christ who strengthens us, but even prayer is a battle tho. If you were out in the streets with nothing to eat like I was youd probably be tempted to steal a loaf of bread too. Glory to God that I endured that hunger and I didnt resort to stealing (mind you before Christ thievery was my middle name, even if I had a G in my pocket and I needed anything Id simply take it) and He blessed me with food, straight up... But the struggle is real yall, some people are stuck in situations they just cant see themselves out of and all they need is love. Just because I endured hunger doesnt mean I have the right to point the finger at someone who didnt, its my job to testify of what I went through and PRAY that they get sparked with the same faith I had to rely completely on God. Even if they dont, I still understand the struggle, I understand the pain, and I understand that they need love and prayer. Dont ever let anyone get you down because of your struggle or because of your sin, if they aint got anything edifying to say then block em off, protect your ears from anything thats not of God. Whatever youre going through right now just remember that He has your back, remember that He is faithful and that His grace abounds forever. He knows your struggle, He knows your pain, and He knows your sin. He can get you out, He can free you and lead you into victory. So dont be ashamed, dont feel let down, you are more than a conqueror in Jesus and if anyone tells you otherwise, rebuke em in His name. Straight up
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 21:41:49 +0000

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