Some people give a lot of lip service to the phrase what would - TopicsExpress


Some people give a lot of lip service to the phrase what would Jesus do? I’m going to look at it from a different perspective. If Jesus was president of the United States trying to implement healthcare reform what would the Republicans do? First, they would say He’s not legitimate because He wasn’t born here. Then they would say He’s trying to change America, that He’s not like us and He’s a socialist. They would demand to see His birth certificate and college transcript. Then they would call Him a liar on nationally televised joint session of Congress, stick a finger in his face because they disagree with them. And say publically that they can’t stand to look at His face. Typical things a sixth grader would do. They would call His reform package Jesuscare and say it won’t work, it’s a train wreck and not ready for prime time. I think Jesus would support Obamacare because it provides health care to those with pre-existing conditions and for those who can’t afford the higher premiums. I have read the Bible from cover to cover. That doesn’t make me a Biblical scholar, but it does make me informed. I don’t recall reading where Jesus asked the woman with the issue of blood to see proof of her insurance before allowing her to touch the hem of His garment and be made whole. I don’t recall reading where Jesus asked the man at the Pool of Bethesda for his Blue Cross/Blue Shield Card before healing him. Or Him asking the ten lepers what group plan they belonged to? Or if the blind man He healed had vision coverage. Does that make Jesus A Western European-style Socialist?
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:47:34 +0000

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