Some people have asked for a post they you are with - TopicsExpress


Some people have asked for a post they you are with all my Ascension: And you will never have the need to look down again; you will not stumble or trip because you will eternally walk upon a carpet of Prayer. There will be Angels surrounding you to watch your steps are true. You will be free of those who have angered or hurt you because in this paradise it cannot happen and your mind will have no memory or recall of those who bring sadness to your Heart because harm of another does not, will not and cannot happen here..It does not exist! You will never know bereavement because those that have left their physical bodies will travel and speak in that breeze of wind that brings the comfort of a warm Sun upon your face, you will sense them, hear and even see them. They have never been lost and never will be lost. You will marvel and gasp in happiness at the colours that the Earth wears proudly. The lush Green grass underfoot, each blade of grass acting like a single vibration from mother Earth. You will see the flowers with bright blooms of petals offering you the morning Dew as a gift and each Dew drop will be the tear of an Angel that was caught by the Petal. But it will be a tear drop of happiness as Angels like people marvel and have happy Hearts when looking upon creation. As far as the eye can see there are Meadows of bright warm colours, Violet, Yellow, Red, Blue, Green and they call to you to come and lay with them for a while. Never before would you of smelt the perfume of Paradise as you do here, Lavender, Roses, Lilies so refreshing to each sense in your body and giving clarity to the mind. You will sense the power and ancient knowledge of the trees as they create small Woodland areas for you to dance between with a Robin upon your raised hand singing to you of love. As you dance serene and energised the animals come to meet you and watch, for they never tire looking upon the power of someone ‘seeing creation’ for the first time. The soft Silk robe you are wearing dances with you as your partner until you come upon the River of Truth and its pristine clear water. Waiting for you is a small boat filled with Flowers that you climb in and lay down on. The boat drifts very slowly carrying you and the Robin and you let one hand drift in the water allowing its energy to gather from the River the Truth. The Truth of who you are, The Truth of existence, The Truth of Life.. Do you need to leave your physical body to reach out to and live in this Paradise? No you do not..When you make the choice to live this way you only have to awaken in the morning and declare you are ready to ascend…for this is what ascension is…an emotional door unlocked by the secret Key of LOVE…Give love, receive love, love yourself, love the Angels and Creators and you will ascend! I Love you all my friends Earth-Angel Ian
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 20:32:35 +0000

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