Some people in England, are claiming Islam is not a violent - TopicsExpress


Some people in England, are claiming Islam is not a violent religion. Although the majority of British Muslims do abide by the law when in the UK, Islam in Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Libya and Iran etc, etc, etc is a VERY VIOLENT RELIGION!!! Syria has a genocidal, Shia Muslim leader; Assad who is busy exterminating Syrian muslims who oppose the continuation of his un-elected, Shia dictatorship. Iran has Shia Muslim Council who routinely stage mock elections where the outcome is already predetermined. When the majority of Iranians protest because of the obviously rigged vote, theyre violently beaten and killed and imprisoned or simply disappear. Saudi Arabia; a Sunni Muslim regime, has just sentenced a man to a 1000 lashes and ten years imprisonment, for merely expressing on his internet blog, that he would like Saudi Arabia to be more liberal and open. In Nigeria in Africa, 48 hours ago, Muslims butchered 2000 elderly men women and children in a barbaric act of terrorism. In Paris, France, 20 people have just been murdered by Muslims from the Yemen which is the southernmost tip of Saudi Arabia. They were acting on behalf of Al Qaeda apparently. And people want me to believe Islam is a peaceful religion? Er, sorry but the overwhelming evidence shows that internationally, Islam is anything but peaceful!!! Oh, if anybody is thinking of telling these Muslims that theyre not proper muslims on account of their pre-disposal to being violent, I would give it careful consideration first...
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:11:47 +0000

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