Some people think that there is a positive relationship between - TopicsExpress


Some people think that there is a positive relationship between religion and strictness, i.e the more strict a person, the more religious he is, or the more conservative he is, the more staunch and pious. Although this may be true some times, it is not always the case. Yes, we are supposed to take our religion seriously, but not to the extent where we go overboard. Not joking occasionally with friends is not a sign of your piety. Not eating in a restaurant once in a while, not playing sport, not holding your wifes hand while walking down the street with her, not playing with little children, not wearing clothes that arent forbidden Islamically are all examples that some people use as criteria to judge how strict a person is and hence religious or not. Although some of these examples may be from Khawaarim al Murooah (an act that effects your reputation) it is not necessarily an indication of ones level of piety. Some people think that being religious means to always frown, not smile, not mix with people, be harsh with those you dont know, and even not to be seen with their own family in public or have normal fun doing normal activities with friends who are normal people and not necessarily all religious. This is not the teaching of our beloved Prophet -peace be upon him- who said: Verily this religion is solid, so advance into it with ease. And no one will take this religion with extreme force or an extreme level of strictness except it will overcome him and defeat him. Our Prophet -peace be upon him- used to smile, play with children, walk with his wives, and eat with his friends. Our religion is easy, so take it easy dear brothers and sisters. And if you do happen to see one of your fellow brothers or sisters in a situation that you personally dont approve of, but is not totally Haram, then dont be quick to dismiss him or judge him based on your likings or preferences, especially if that approving is more based on culture than on religion. Wallahi ya ikhwan, I have personally met brothers who were the strictest of all. They wouldnt even play soccer or engage in any activity with anyone, thinking this to be a sign of Iman. We used to advise these brothers not to be too complicated or worked up about little issues which are allowed anyway. They wouldnt listen to us and even sometimes talked against us. Wallahi time passed and we saw these brothers losing all that faith and piety they had, and ended up falling into major sins and things we cant even mention. This is what happens to those who exercise extreme levels where they arent supposed to. Just as our Prophet -peace be upon him- mentioned, they get defeated. May Allah guide them back to the right path. More important brothers and sisters, talk TO your brothers and sisters and not ABOUT them if you ever see them doing something you think is inappropriate. May Allah grant us a life filled with what pleases him and may he make that be our source of happiness... Ameen
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 06:57:47 +0000

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