Some people will never get it. Some people want to turn this into - TopicsExpress


Some people will never get it. Some people want to turn this into a race issue. This is a cop issue. Trigger happy police gunning down innocent people. Not black or white a person! A human being is dead not a black man he`s a human being first. Life cut short because of an over aggressive police force that promotes fear instead of communication. This isnt a rogue cop its a rogue system. If it makes you feel better to point fingers and only concentrate on the rioters and looters from your couch miles away go ahead you werent here right? Your community didnt burn you didnt cringe while watching this entire tragedy unfold? An entire community forget race community watched in horror as a mans body lay in the streets for hours. A community watched a police force militarize itself before removing the body. Then later that night watched in horror again as a gas station burned to the ground in front of there very eyes. Stop avoiding the issue the police have engaged in a cover up of this incident from the beginning. Have you already forgotten how many times they have changed there story? Did you not see them bring dogs and riot gear to what was a peaceful protest in hopes of escalating the situation. They sat there and let those people vandalize so they could get what they needed. Time to figure out another cover story and the ability to portray us an uneducated animals to a national media that only thirst for negative images. Then the local government went so far as to suspend tv coverage of the event by scrambling all local tv station signals for the surrounding area for charter customers. Cutting off our ability to be informed of impending danger and locking us out of our right to know what is happening down the street from our own houses. Now they have all but declared martial law in Ferguson. Theyre shooting rubber bullets and tear gas at people on there on property. People standing in their own backyard. Now they control the information and who comes in and out of the area. Answer me this if the roles where reversed and it was the cop laying in a pool of blood. And the community was protecting the young man from the police for fear for his life would your opinion change? Would us saying that we fear for his safety be enough to keep officers from raiding every known residence he could be in? Would it stop then from wanting there justice? Would they protect his name for fear of retribution? Food for thought.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 06:01:45 +0000

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