Some people will tell you a story is only as good as the dialog; - TopicsExpress


Some people will tell you a story is only as good as the dialog; not enough / not good enough inter-personal dialog and its dead. (Radio ) Some other people will tell you all stories are character driven, without a great character and a cast of supporting people to elevate him/her its got nothing ( Hollywood ) Some people will tell you they can only handle it if the story is amazing; *What does that even mean? Ive read lots of questionable stories because there was something that drew me back. They want epic adventures with unlikely people surviving all the odds to make a great and triumphant good over evil ( Star Wars ). There are a few people who demand a story which is believable; The boring people are called Historians *not to beconfused with Actual historians who know about history and do it professionally. The second group are so grounded in the facts that suspension of disbelief for them is more like saying Im here to pull your teeth, buy I promise youll enjoy it. .... You cannot have a complete story without characters ... Baring the insane ( literally insane) All stories have dialog, the very act of story telling implies dialog to a point I wont discuss how if at all it might be avoided. ... Characters tell stories, they are part of the stories and each one gives it a different color. One character is monochromatic, we can only know what that person knows, several characters each will tint the experience we have. .... The Story Is what I am telling / writing; Without it there is literally nothing else; it is the rug which ties the room together, the force which guides and surrounds all things being discussed. ... People who dont like the history of a place cannot understand why something happened, if you cannot understand why it happened how can you then try to understand the thing itself? .... We need facts to measure and weigh what is around us; humans exist to quantify and explore. To have a story without quantification is to tell the listener nothing. The goal: Create a theory. A place on a planet, where a person and collectively people lived. The planet was from the start a character, as the ship is a character in Firefly or in Star Trek. The people have lived there and known nothing else, it is intrinsic to who they are, and without history we cannot understand why they act or do not act. The history of the world is complicated, politically, geographically and astronomically because planets with living ecosystems are like that. Where there are people, there are characters and characters talk to each other about each other. They talk about the wind, and they name it, they talk about the land, and the water and memory and dreams and fears to each they have a name. The goals of each person are different, and we must not only know the goals but why they seek this and not that. No person was ever totally evil, even the worst people in history had motives and desires, things they liked and wanted to do with other people. Deplorable or inhuman often but each had a reason and a motive. Every character in my story who is important enough to warrant a full name will have good and evil. They will have motives and desires and secrets, each will have redeeming characteristics; even if these are overshadowed by the acts they perpetrate overshadow this. The world has a history and a future, I do not know how this story will end or who will be there when it does end. But I am excited for it and to see it play out. I hope you are too.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:37:16 +0000

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