Some philosophical wisdom... You are the Universe! Like a - TopicsExpress


Some philosophical wisdom... You are the Universe! Like a galaxy moving around a central force, you ARE that force and your Universe is your own imagined perception of reality. So unique, expansive, and as beautiful as you can possibly imagine it to be! Every star is a possibility that youve dreamed of and every planet is a world youve envisioned for yourself. And, like the Universe, it just keeps on expanding into infiniteness... Sometimes youre going to run into an astroid belt: little fragments of your broken dreams will often linger on in limbo like ghosts. Just never forget that they too are a part of this Universe that is You and that they have a purpose of reminding you to learn from your mistakes. Never forget that, in the expansiveness that is You...they very, very small... Let them be. Accept their presence as part of you. Occasionally a fragment of your failures may crash into a world that youve dreamed for yourself, like an astroid into Earth. A reality check that is as sobering as it is disappointing and painful. Just dont let it destroy your sense of wonder at the power you possess to have even created such beauty in the first place. Learn to create even more beauty from that destruction. Protect your Core: the central force and physical reality all around you. Dont let the Universe that youve built around you damage it. Let it reflect everything glorious that it might become. Just keep expanding. Once you see that the Universe is you, nothing can scare you. Like the explosion of a dying star, every self-destructive thought that you have, every feeling of insecurity, and every moment of anger that you allow is only the pain of creation. You are not the stars in your Universe, nor are you the planets (so full of potential) that you create. They certainly are YOU but you are not them. You are so far beyond such small pieces that they can only make up a small fraction of your greatness. You are the creator. The infinite. The possibility. The artist. The visionary. The dreamer. The divine essence upon which your own uniquely beautiful reality exists. You are the force that moves the stars...
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 06:22:57 +0000

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