Some points that just might affect you! Every person in Ireland - TopicsExpress


Some points that just might affect you! Every person in Ireland availing of the Personal Insolvency Act will pay their PIP, personal Insolvency Practitioner, a minimum of €5000, that will be added to you restructured Mortgage, costing you an average of €12,325, the PIP will be paid once he or she has advanced to your Bank a favourable proposal in the Banks interest ( not yours) your family and you will be signed into another cohesion contract (unconscionable) totally in the favour of the very institutions that committed criminal Acts on you and this Nations people, if you default at any time in six years the bank can bankrupt you, the Bank can waiver, alter and change the agreement to further suit the Banks interests, after all, our Banks are SO honest and would never do anything criminal or corrupt?. The PIP’s will be paid hundreds of thousands of euros, the Banks will be handed a chain that’s firmly placed around your neck, as you again volunteered to be slaughtered. Well at least this time you are warned? I have lodged a Constitutional challenge in the High court that affects the very existence of this policy or regime. After all what rational minded person would agreed to something that has already being proven to be fatal to them? Like accepting blood when you know it was previously contaminated, nobody found guilty of crimal negligence’s, no Investigations into legislative failure, no resginations by culpable administers, no prosecutions. SURELY THIS NATION WOULD NOT AGREE??? PLEASE POST
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 14:02:20 +0000

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