Some powerful words from Rachel Held Evans, but perhaps moot now - TopicsExpress


Some powerful words from Rachel Held Evans, but perhaps moot now that the decision is reversed. My friends, the battle over marriage equality is over. Those who favor traditional marriage must now decide how to live on the losing side, but without the terror that many of my friends in other parts of the world do--namely, that their faith expression might well cost them their own lives, or of their wives and children. I know these people by name. They are my friends. At the same time, I have a number of dear friends who now feel a great injustice has been, in part, rectified, and they now a freedom to express their love without undue government intrusion. I wish I had some easy answers. I wish I had some profound words. All I have to offer is unconditional love and friendship to those who would receive it. For the moment, my focus is on dropping my BMI under 30%, in dealing with anger against those who have wronged me, in treating women as equals and not as objects, and a great multitude of others sins, for which, if I were you, I might pick a better member for your community. I dont make light of the marriage equality issue. I understand it. I spent a better part of 10 years of my life investing fully in the lives of married couples whose worlds were tearing apart, desperately trying to help them identify the issues and repair their community. I did the best I could, and at times it simply was not good enough. I confess to great relief to the fact that Matt no longer works here. But, again, at the same time, I understand the emotions and I have experienced the vitriol surrounding this issue. My core value is to avoid hypocrisy and to try to be honest at all costs. That is all too often an aspirational value, for which implementation is a miserable failure. I must admit to working for many institutions that support full marriage equality (or at least, extend full benefits to partners regardless of gender) as well as a few that do not. I patronize a great many retail and restaurant organizations that also do the former, and a few that do the latter. So, I suppose if a line must be drawn with whom you will affiliate, I guess I am on the other side of the line--perhaps not by theological sophistication, but guilt by association (which, as we should know, is a fallacy in reasoning).
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:11:47 +0000

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