Some quotes Linda Gottfredson about Arthur Jensen and her - TopicsExpress


Some quotes Linda Gottfredson about Arthur Jensen and her experiences. Does anyone REALLY think that the atmosphere she describes had no influence on progress in science in this area? "As one chaired professor told me, just seeing how Jensen was mistreated was enough to convince her, like others, to cease studying cognitive differences and switch fields in the early 1970s." ... "Common forms of self-censorship include intentionally omitting relevant facts or findings from one’s publications, ignoring them in others’, failing to draw obvious connections between phenomena, not disputing clear but convenient falsehoods, and not performing analyses that might produce the politically wrong answer, a deliberate act of omission to which one leading social scientist later confessed (James Coleman, 1990-1991). Researchers may also refuse to share relevant data with other scholars who are willing to perform the politically sensitive analyses they are not, such as estimating the contribution of genetic differences to the mean black-white IQ difference" .. "in explaining why he was rejecting a paper I submitted to The Public Interest in 1986, editor Nathan Glazer stated that, although finding it scientifically sound, there were social “considerations” which “overweigh the claims of social science.”" ... "Fear thinned the ranks of empirically-minded intelligence researchers when Jensen came under attack in 1969. Since then, graduate students and young academics in all related fields have been systematically socialized by both mentors and media to avoid “sensitive” issues in intelligence research. The new tacit knowledge, or street smarts, for career advancement in academe includes all the forms of self-censorship described earlier. The walls that authors erect to seal off unwanted facts and inferences about intelligence, genes, and race are so frequent in scholarly publications today that one tends to notice them only by their absence" ...
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 09:19:18 +0000

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