Some random Qs for ya 301. Who discovered Lake - TopicsExpress


Some random Qs for ya 301. Who discovered Lake Tanganyika? 302. What is the most westerly point of continental Europe? 303. The first Oceanographic expedition around the globe was performed by which ship? 304. The historical territory of Dacia is in which country? 305. In which country are the majority of Lapps to be found? 306. Which 3 countries make up the Opium growing area known as the Golden Triangle? 307. The Gegs are an indigenous race of which country? 308. Bechuanaland was the former name of which country? 309. Name the fast chariot driving King of Israel who featured in the bible? 310. Who is the Norse god of love? > 311. What do Americans call, what Brits call a handbag? 312. Who was executed in 1916 for leading the Easter Rising? 313. Who was nicknamed the King of Hi De Ho? 314. Cran is a unit of measurement for the weight of what? 315. What make and model of car was driven by the Saint? 316. The anti-knock index of petrol is more commonly known as what? 317. Who was the chief minister of Louis XIII? 318. The Haymarket massacre of 1886 occurred in which US city? 319. Who revealed Pentagon secret documents on the American role in Vietnam in 1971? 320. The Watts riots occurred in which US city in 1965? 321. The Waterloo cup is contested in which 2 sports? 322. The Grand Prix circuit at Sepang is in which country? 323. What term describes the receding of the Spectral effect? 324. Who was the 3rd man to step on the moon? 325. Which spacecraft was the first to take pictures from another planet? 326. What is the highest recorded total for a single hole in Womens Tournament Golf? > 327. What is the medical term for the period that comes immediately after childbirth? 328. Where in the body is the organ of Corti? 329. What is the smallest cell in the human body? 330. What is the largest cell in the human body? 331. Which musicians original name was Tom Graph? 332. Who wrote the novels The Citadel and the Hatters Castle? 333. Who wrote Crime and Punishment and The Idiot? 334. Which literary characters wife was called Sophie Western? 335. Which Norse god was known as the guardian of the bridge? 336. Who was the wife of King Priam and mother to Paris, Hector, Troilus and Cassandra? 337. Who was the supreme god of the Algonquians of North America? 338. Name the Egyptian god who had the head of a Falcon? 339. The house of Briganza ruled which country? 340. Who originated the phrase The Balance of Power? 341. The act of settlement ensured the crown for which monarch? 342. Which Scottish Football Club plays home matches at Gayfield Park? 343. Lincolns act to provide land free to settlers to cultivate was known as what? 344. Who was the most famous of Charlemagnes paladins or knights? 345. Which former slaves went on to rule Egypt and Palestine in the late middle ages? 346. Who was the first explorer to reach the North Pole? 347. In France the first was formed in 1792 and the second in 1871, both radical alternatives to government and with major political influence, what were they known as? 348. Which term denoted a southern supporter of the reconstruction after the Civil War? 349. After his abdication, King Edward VIII became the Duke of Windsor and governor of? 350. Which Nazi leaders widely read memoirs were titled Inside the Third Reich 351. The worlds largest ancient city ruins at Angkor Watt are in which Asian country? 352. It consists of some 16 separate museums and is the worlds largest museum complex, what is it? 353. Billie Joe Armstrong is the lead vocalist with which contemporary band? 354. What in a computer system can be ide or serial ata? 355. How many individual time zones are there around the earth? 356. Which creatures fingerprints are virtually identical to a humans? 357. Which architect designed the United Nations building in New York City? 358. The Corpus Collosum is a central part of which bodily organ? 359. The working defences at the top of a castle consisting of a walkway and a parapet are properly known as what? 360. Who was the last queen of Hawaii? 361. Which Shakespeare play was also the original title Tolstoy gave to his novel War and Peace? 362. In Greek mythology who was the half brother of Jason who sent him to fetch the golden fleece? 363. Sir Richard Grenville 364. The circle of Willis is a collection of blood vessels found where in the body 365. Which famous novel was written in 1954, and has a title which is the English translation of the Hebrew word Beelzebub? 366. Who painted the Umbrellas? 367. Which London Underground line has the most stations? 368. Which Englishman killed John Wilkes Booth? 369. Who invented the swivel chair and the folding bed? 370. Baked Beans were originally sold in what sauce? 378. What name is given to a model showing the positions of the planets? 379. How many pieces does each player start with in backgammon? 380. Which insect has a lifespan of only 1 day and cannot eat because it does not have a mouth or a stomach? 381. What word describes words which are formed from using the first letters of a line in a poem? 382. In the original series of The Saint, what make and model of car does he drive? 383. Which presenter/entertainers real name was William White? 384. Who was the architect of the Albert Memorial? 385. Which word describes decoration using inlays of wood of differing colour? 386. In which battle did 300 Spartans hold out against the Persians? 387. The Sian incident involved the kidnapping of which world leader? 388. Which 2 countries border the Yemen? 389. Which Egyptian god of the dead and son of Osiris had the head of a Jackal? 390. In which year did the dodo become extinct? 391. Orphelia, Autumn Leaves and Bubbles are 3 of the famous works of which artist? 392. The Cembalo or Clavicembalo is what type of musical instrument? 393. Who founded the Mormons? 394. Which disease of childhood is characterized by defective growth of bone due to a lack of Calcium deposits? 395. Which acid is found in the leaves of Rhubarb? 396. The Star fruit is found on which tree? 397. What name was given to the poet musicians of 12th and 13th century in Provence and Southern France? 398. Which French phrase literally means the state should not interfere in economic affairs? 399. Which 3 gods make up the Hindu trinity 400. Which battle saw the final defeat of the Huns?
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 20:46:37 +0000

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