Some random facts about me that you wouldnt now... 1. I HATE - TopicsExpress


Some random facts about me that you wouldnt now... 1. I HATE heights 2. I was a colouring-in queen between 6 and 12 - best prizes I won were a dishwasher and colour tv, plus a lot more 3. I was house captain in year 7 4. I wanted to be a policewoman when I left school 5. I would love to be a fashion designer and own my own clothes store 6. When I was 16 I told my mum I wanted to marry Reid...16 years later it happened...(took him a while to notice me) 7. Showing my age....I have worked @ JCU for almost 24 years Like and Ill give you a number!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 23:27:35 +0000

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