Some sad news so early in the year. Here at Back to the Wild we - TopicsExpress


Some sad news so early in the year. Here at Back to the Wild we get many swans during the hunting season that are mistaken for snow geese and shot by hunters. While we are in no way against legal and responsible hunting, before you pull a trigger you should know what you are shooting at. Gray wolves are still dangerously scarce and therefore federally protected in some states (including Arizona and Utah) and residents there should be even more aware of the differences between wolves and coyotes. Coyotes are smaller than wolves with pointier features and short, stocky legs. So few people are able to tell the difference between wolves and coyotes (which, after education, become very obvious) that every year dozens of wolves are mistakenly shot. Whether you are hunting coyotes, snow geese, or anything else, it is important to educate yourself, and others, on key differences between those animals and the ones that are endangered or threatened. By being aware and responsible, we preserve this amazing circle of life that we are so much a part of for future generations. By being aware and responsible, we ensure that well never point out pictures of wolves or trumpeter swans in books and tell our grandchildren we use to have these, they were so beautiful, but now theyre all gone. By being aware and responsible, we make sure that the species on this planet dont end up as distant to our children and childrens children as unicorns and dragons. Remember, WE are their voice. The change starts with you.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:35:41 +0000

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