Some say the repbulican party is dividing itself along social - TopicsExpress


Some say the repbulican party is dividing itself along social issues. Maybe, it has happened to quite a few political parties in our short political history. I hope it does not disintegrate, but cleans itself of the radical element that is so hatefull toward so many segments of American culture, and beliefs. So much of the vile has emerged only since the election of an African American to the Presidency. This reality cannot be ignored, the internet is still full of racially charged attacks, cartoons, and accusations of the worst sort. Once he is gone, most of that hatred will loose him as a target. Hopefully, it will receed back to the dank where it survives.... Back to point: Without disparaging the repubs personally, if one just examines the record of their reign times in non-social terms, but simply examines scales that reflect the economic and judicial well being of the most folks, a clear understanding of simple facts emerges. Long sentence, I know, just trying to communicate effectively. The left always leaves both government and public in better financial shape. Go look at any official chart you want, and there is no argument. And, since there is so much less pressure to feed the kids, there is less social stress, due to less competition for the dollar. Some repubs may actually believe the campaign rhetoric the party uses to distract from those facts, but I believe there are far more economic takers at the top than the bottom. And by and large, repubs are wholly committed to membership in the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Not to say there are not dems pushing the same wheelbarrow to the Cayman banks, but by and large, they far more represent the people and their well being. This is not exclusive to the U.S., man has been exploiting man through guile, violence, superstition, and legislation for always.... Sometimes the folks get a fair shot, but more often, a ruling class emerges, eats up all the resources, and blames the oppressed for the civil failure that must come.....
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 15:40:17 +0000

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