Some selfclaimed intelectuals having no self respect( as hindu) - TopicsExpress


Some selfclaimed intelectuals having no self respect( as hindu) want to put tight slaps on the believers of lord shiva with the immoral act of morally corrupted Bollywood actors with the powerfull backing of anti hindu external media( most of the media) and sensor board.They enjoyed the film and helped to collect Rs 250 crores after seeing lord shiva(actor) hiding in the toilet to avoid Mr khan.Also they claped by hearing jo mandir jata hai oha darta hain and giving milk to lord shiva and grass to (cow) gomata as sin by a non hindu actor who him self strongly believe his faith(haj visit in 2012).My simple question to so called seculars is it required to includes these examples in the movie.Can not we make good movies with out these controversial issues( 3 idiots).Still if it is needed then why only hindu faiths were means out of 700 cores only hindus(80 core) have all the problems.Or they fear to make fun on other religion as it will create havoc in the entire world.Since last 1000 years the great religion of hinduism have been attacked by afgans mogols britishers congress and now secular Bollywood.Still it is intact.It is systamatically conspiracy to degrade the greate culture of hindusium with the so called Bollywood. Which most of the hindus do not know this fact.You take any example that most of the movies are based on hindu faith bashing only.We do not care what you like to say about my faith and my faith will remain intact even after your combined attack of anti hindu seculars media and external forces.My faith does not need any advice from morally corrupted actors as we are self sufficent to find what is correct and what is wrong.Har Har Mahadev.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 15:26:00 +0000

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