Some thing for us to understand so we can inform the bleeding - TopicsExpress


Some thing for us to understand so we can inform the bleeding hearts By Judy Kennedy BOATS – ARRIVALS – OUR COUNTRY – OUR LIFE THE FACTS!!! – If you are a TRUE AUSSIE you will read 1. If Indonesia DID NOT allow these people to enter THEIR country in the first place they would NOT be able to get on a boat to arrive in Australia. 2. They fly into Indonesia and can get a VOA (Visa On Arrival) by paying $25US, with a passport only. 3. Is that passport their own, or have they received a false one via Malaysia through the people smugglers?? 4. Whatever, they must complete an incoming passenger card to submit to Immigration when they pay for their VOA. There is a second part of this card that must be submitted when they depart Indonesia within 30 days of the VOA being issued. 5. Any arrival into Indonesia, under VOA, MUST depart Indonesia via their legal Immigration system within 30 days or they are breach of Indonesia’s Immigration laws. 6. So, these people then get on boats and come to Australia & claim Asylum BUT, from 1950 Indonesia HAS been a signatory to the UN ….. THEREFORE, THAT is where they claim Asylum (but Indonesia doesn’t have Centrelink does it!!!) 7. If these people have departed Indonesia and not declared their exit part of their Incoming passenger card they are legally/technically still in Indonesia and have breached Indonesian Immigration law – overstayed their 30 day VOA …. Ie. Committed a crime in Indonesia. 8. If they have committed a crime under Indonesian Immigration law they have therefore not satisfied Australian Immigration Law in that they do satisfy the Character Test under Section 501 of the Migration Act 1958. 9. Indonesia installed photographic equipment at it’s Immigration counters 2 years ago to photograph all incoming passengers. This would mean that if they fully implemented this procedure, technological photo matching could be applied to those arriving & be matched to Asylum Seekers arriving in Australia on boats that have transited through their airports. 10. Those who have the $$$$ to fly to Indonesia, where they can claim Asylum, have also passed through other UN countries where they can claim Asylum & then pay people smugglers in Indonesia $$$$$ per person to get on a boat ARE NOT true refugees, they are those wanting the freebies & welfare lifestyle they believe hey are entitled too. 11. Why don’t they stay in Indonesia??? ….. Indonesia doesn’t have Centrelink for their payments or the Salvo’s for the food vouchers, clothing, furniture etc after they get released into the communnity on Bridging Visa’s 12. In the meantime, Australia’s homeless & pensioners get jack shit, we are subjected to Halal certfied food because of the Muslims who arrive on the boats demanding it, our Christian churches are told they have to put up with Mosques being built next door to them, our Courts are filled with those who have arrived here and rape, abuse & rob us of our dignity & rights ….. with funded legal aid support Australians are denied. COPY & PASTE WHATEVER PARTS OF THIS YOU LIKE & EMAIL/WRITE TO THE INDONESIAN EMBASSY IN YOUR STATE AND YOUR LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 05:56:05 +0000

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