Some things amuse me. I LOVE bad movies. Mainly because someone - TopicsExpress


Some things amuse me. I LOVE bad movies. Mainly because someone liked then enough to invest money in them to share them. It takes balls and insanity to do that. I also love paranoid and delusional people (I keep quite a few as friends) mainly because hey can spin wild stories that keep me entertained. I have a particular fondness for the Conspiracy Theorists of the world, weather they are Reporters for Faux News or Experts on the History Channel (everything is Commies or Aliens after all). Chief nutballs from Giorgio A. Tsoukalos to Glenn Beck, and from Jesse Ventura to MUFAR can keep me watching late night TV and battling between laughing too hard and snoring too hard. All this said, sometimes some little conspiracy theory goes so far out in the field it makes me both question my fellow man and wonder if the modern world isnt actually just a bad Syfy movie. I have a few I found lately I might share soon, but in the meantime I want to hear other peoples favorite Conspiracy Theories. Not ones you just made up but ones you have actually heard (or maybe almost want to believe).
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 13:13:05 +0000

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