Some things are natural and are in accordance with human nature - TopicsExpress


Some things are natural and are in accordance with human nature such that whether you believe in God or not, they will definitely happen. You rarely need prayers about their occurrence such as air/breeze, rain, sun and so on. All this are bestowed unto us by The Creator without sentiment. The same goes for leadership and problems ravaging a nation. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: people will get a leader they deserve. Pardon my sounding religious here. So is the case of Nigeria where we believe that we really dont need to do much or fix our unhealthy and faulty system but leave everything in the hand of God. Hilariously, we leave issues like good governance, terrorism and kidnap of Chibok girls, corruption, injustice, electric power generation, and other developmental issues ravaging the country in the hand of God. We are arguably the most religious nation on earth but unfortunately, we are one of the most corrupt and those that act contrary to Gods injunctions. Exact opposite of what we preach and profess! Fact is, we really need to get some things right in this part of the world and stop living in fools paradise. In sum, we will be one block short of the full load to think that it is only God that can solve our problems if we fail to the right thing.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 11:54:33 +0000

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