Some things have been on my mind lately: I see alot of posts - TopicsExpress


Some things have been on my mind lately: I see alot of posts and people bashing our President. They are frustrated with many things and I even hear church leaders railing against our leadership. Granted, the leaders may have much to answer for. The problem is when people become disrespectful and wicked in their response to leadership. This message is mostly addressing Christians, as I often see them screaming the loudest. According to the Bible, God gave Israel a king, even though they were not supposed to have one. And then they reaped the consequences of said leader. We are much the same way. An official gets elected, and always someone cries foul or whines about it. What people fail to notice is that leadership are a symptom of an underlying issue. If you have a corrupt leader, you also have corrupt and lawless people. I know not everyone voted for our current leader, but that is NO excuse for the blatant disrespect of appointed leaders, especially if you claim to resent those leaders on religious grounds. Firstly, from a Biblical perspective we must accept the premise that all kingly authority (or in our case a presidential authority) is granted by God. A leader does not come into power without His say-so. So the question really you should be asking is this... How to get a better leader? Answer: Be Godly people. If you were Godly, your leaders would better reflect that. God allows so-called bad leaders to teach the people what they are doing wrong. It is a lesson, and one that apparently our country is not getting and keeps repeating. Christians are in the majority in this country, so it is a Christians responsibility to step up and walk the walk. You can walk out your faith without crushing other people under your feet. You can indeed show compassion on people, and not betray your beliefs. The problem is, most people put more stock in their beliefs and church-made doctrines than in what Christ did and taught. Secondly, we are NOT to brutally criticize our leaders, despite what troubles we may have as a result. Instead we should be working to be more Godly and change hearts, rather than scream about the unfairness of the system. We need to be PRAYING for and with our leaders, rather than childishly cursing them endlessly. Maybe if the people who complain actually started following the Bible, in context and with discernment, they would see results. If we see that our leaders are lawless, it is because we are also lawless on some level. If we chose to walk in love instead of fear, we wouldnt need to endlessly slam our politicians (however tempting at times). We would be praying and working for real change instead of acting like toddlers when we dont get our way. We would own up to how we fail eachother, instead of pointing out how the system wronged us, or is using our hard-earned resources to help others. If we are living by Christian principles then it shouldnt be an issue. We would not be so quick to slam borders shut or blame everyone else for our predicament. If you are going to play the religion card, then at least come to the table with a full deck. The argument about reappropriating hard earned funds becomes a NON-argument, if we look through a Biblical lense of It all belongs to God, then we must also see that we have no right to resent how God chooses to spend our money, and if he allows our money to be taxed or set aside to feed the poor, then we can just deal with that because it is rather hypocritical to assume otherwise... Yet if we are honest, we do feel stolen from and cheated sometimes. Could that be because we have stolen from God? If we refuse to care for people, then, like the parable of the talents, the master will not be pleased with the wicked servant who burried it, hoarded it or didnt put it to good use while the master was away. Could we have been raping humanity and this earth blind? Have we really been so heartless that we will hoard for ourselves the majority of the worlds resources, and suckle on the teat of greed? We are a lawless nation that refuses to REPENT, refuses to be merciful and compassionate. If we refuse to be like the Christ we follow, then how do we get to call ourselves Christian? So lets stop pretending we are a bunch of good Christians trying to protect whats ours, and fight the enemies of God... NO. We are becoming our own worst enemy, more that any foreign terror. Also, the enemies of God have little to do with foreign invaders, the NWO or people threatening our beloved traditions... We need to stop looking for demons in every closet of every person we dont agree with, and start looking to how we can get our own house in order. We must realize that the threat to our country or to our religion is coming from us. It is an inside job, and one that is manifesting in these very Antichrist behaviors of demonizing our fellow humans, getting hysterical about open borders, blaming any president you didnt vote for, and refusing to let money go for the greater good of relieving human suffering. Stop making enemies and start seeing people. We are in such a state of denial that we are nearly lost... and it is because we refuse to see the Christ in each and every person. We refuse to see their humanity, their suffering. If we want to be Christlike, then we need to be doing more. Jesus said what you do to them you to to me.. So how can we in good conscious feel it is ok to put things above people, and value our comforts more that a persons right to simply exist and survive? How do we feel its ok to have so-called pastors denouncing the President, when the Bible is clear that we are to respect our leaders (even if we sometimes resent them). They take the focus of of God, and give real-estate to worldly matters. They are like the money changers in the Temple, using and abusing Gods Holy Place as a platform for their agendas. Jesus made a whip, turned tables and chased them out, as I recall...... They should know better, but of course they dont as they throw away Torah, embrace lawlessness and then complain that injustice reigns. Most Christians want it both ways. They want Gods blessing for themselves and this nation, yet they throw away half the Bible, which IS Gods Covenantal Blessing with His people, and then expect God to hear their plea? Really? Yeah, that worked great for Israel.... let me know how that works out for you.... We need to learn from our mistakes and those of our ancestors, if we want to not repeat them. We are to do BETTER, and learn from our shortcomings and mistakes, individually and collectively. A President is is simply a mirror of a nation. If you dont like what you see, then get up and work on yourself, and then appeal to others. Unless you are willing to see how you failed, you have no right to point out so loudly how our leaders failed us.... remember they are a response to the people. It is the people who must change, before the leader can. So stop using your sense of entitlement to complain. Be the leaders you want to see. You may never hold an office, but you can still lead and inspire people. Stop complaining and start working. Stop blaming and start praying. We can be intercessors instead of gossipers. Does this mean we need to lay down and take abuse from our leaders? No. We can indeed effect and demand better actions from leaders and they will be held accountable. But there is a way to do this. We should not return insult for insult. We should not gossip, slander or defame anyone, let alone our nations leader. We should be above such petty behaviors. Instead of screaming from the soap-box about how we dont like our officials, we need to remember that they all serve a greater purpose. This may lack popularity with people who think that how can a loving God let this happen to us? Well, just ask Israel. When they were running around, lawless and chasing idols, God allowed them to be taken into captivity. It is the same. Until people are willing to come to the true understanding of what it is to love God and love eachother, then they will wander in the wilderness, be taken captive, be persecuted and tested until they come back to God, to humility, to compassion. Until we let go of our idols of self, of valuing consumerism over people, of our idols of pride and greed... until we let them go, then we are praying at a false altar of self-worship. And to those who dont follow God/Deity in the Judeo-Christian sense, many of them have better morality than many so-called Christians. Many other faiths follow the tenets of Torah and the teachings of Yahweh/Yeshua/Jesus better than we have been doing. They just dont know it, or connect it to Christianity, because Christianity often does not mimic Christ. They take care of their elderly, the widows and orphans, they feed the hungry and clothe the poor. More so-called Pagans are setting a better example of extending love, than most Christians who cheat on a spouse Friday, and repent on Sunday. Other faiths in other places are often better about welcoming the foreigner and extending hospitality and kindness than Christians in America, these days. If Jesus were here today, walking the streets of America, he would say WHERE are my people? And the irony is that most of America would try to deport him for being a brown-skinned-middle-eastern-looking-foreigner .... Oh churchianity, how you have changed, and NOT for the better. If you want to claim the title christian then you do in fact, have to do the things Christ did. You need to be like him, and care about the things he did, which was people, and not things. You should actually follow what he taught, instead of following church doctrine. Read the Bible, instead of throwing the front half away, and understand that all the frustration we feel towards leadership is a deep response and guilt in how we treat others. Until that is resolved, until we choose to be more loving, we will have leaders who overstep. And even in the brokenness, we should not attack our leaders, but should call ourselves to be better, do better, give better. We can lift up our leaders and intercede. That is far more powerful than playing at church and denouncing the President from the pulpit for his decisions. They are ultimately OUR decision, but it is easier to abdicate responsibility and say no, we were powerless victims of a corrupt leader... and then let the public face of our country and the leaders take all the blame. Until we choose to stand with eachother instead of being against eachother, the leaders will continue to serve as a reminder of how off the mark we are. The leaders are a mirror. If you dont like what you see, change yourself, educate yourself, stop pretending and stop hiding. Learn to see others as worthy and valid, and extend them the same courtesy you take for granted and benefit from. Stop the insane argument of us versus them in regard to groups of people. If you are gonna follow Christ you got to love on them, regardless of if you think they deserve it. YOU didnt earn it either, yet God chooses to love you. No exceptions. So stop dividing yourselves across party lines, religion and lifestyle choices, and choose to see goodness and God in people. Can you love a person, and disagree with their doctrines or lifestyle? Yes. Can you denounce them and treat them unkindly? No, according to the Bible which you profess to believe. So which is it? Cant have it both ways. Cant turn away a needy foreigner and then play church on Sunday, give a little tithe and think you are following Christ. Nope. Sorry. Jesus sums it up in Matthew 7:23: And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 04:18:45 +0000

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