Some thoughts during my evening walk. *Houses have clothes - TopicsExpress


Some thoughts during my evening walk. *Houses have clothes closets and coat closets, linen closets and broom closets. Garage is just a French word for car closet. *Do people make a conscious decision to use their garages to store shtuff and park their cars in the driveway, exposing those really important and expensive pieces of property to the elements all year round? Or is that one of those non-decisions that just creeps up on you, like gaining weight? Im empathetic to that last scenario. *Dusk is a wonderful time for a walk because you get to hear the birds roosting in the trees, flipping and flapping in their nests, sending their last tweets before logging out for the night. *I dropped Beniamino and the boys off at OHare today for their trip to Italy. Marco is more attached to me than he would admit, but he barely let me give him a good-bye hug. Francescos hug and kiss good-bye had a faint edge of fear and sadness. Thats the difference between being eleven and being five. *Giulias been in Italy since June 4. It took her a while to get her footing, but now she is immersed, having a great time and feels conflicted about leaving her routine. Going through those stages was entirely predictable, but there were still times when I almost let myself lose sight of the big picture and get a little caught up in the emotions of the moment. Im glad I didnt because thats what is so bad about helicopter parenting--you and your kids never get to see what is on the other side of fear and frustration. And that other side is a really nice place to be. *A 56-minute walk was just what I needed. My mind was a lot like those roosting birds; I needed to let random thoughts rustle and ramble in my mind before settling in for the night.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 03:10:33 +0000

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