Some useful treatments of Kalonji Oil/Kalwanji Oil. FRESHNESS AND - TopicsExpress


Some useful treatments of Kalonji Oil/Kalwanji Oil. FRESHNESS AND HANDSOMENESS : Take one spoon of olive oil, mix together with 2.5 ml. Kalonji oil and rub it on the face. After one hour wash it with soap water. Treatment may continue for one week. FALLING OF HAIRS PREMATURELY: Rub lime juice on the head & leave it for fifteen minutes, then wash it with shampoo, after getting dried rub Kalonji oil all over the head. Falling of hairs will be controlled within a week. Treatment may continue for one week. FAIRNESS OF FACE: Take 50 gms olive oil and add 50 gms of Kalonji oil Take half teaspoon in the morning before breakfast. Skin will be fair and glowing pink. DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION, GASES, STOMACH IRRITATION AND STOMACH ACHE: In these cases take 5 ml. one spoon of ginger juice add 2.5 ml. Kalonji oil and drink twice a day. This treatment is also useful for removing obesity. This treatment also makes the patient slim. COUGH & ASTHMA: Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. Kalonji oil offers excellent treatment for cough and asthma when taken according to this dosage. Recommended Dosage: Mix teaspoon of Kalonji oil in boiling water and inhale the vapour twice a day. Take half teaspoon of Kalonji oil daily in the morning. Apply Kalonji oil to chest and back. BLOOD PRESSURE: In any hot drink, tea / coffee, add 2.5 m.l. Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day. Also eat two cloves of garlic daily. BALDNESS OF HEAD: Rub Kalonji oil on the head twice a day and use a mixture of one cup of coffee mixed with half tea spoon Kalonji oil and use it twice a day. DIABETES (Sugar): For the treatment of this disease the following method is adopted. Take one cup decoction (Black tea), mix 2.5, ml. Kalonji oil and drink it in the morning & before going to bed. Avoid oily food stuff, particularly fried items. If any other allopathic treatment is going on, continue that treatment. After 20 days check sugar, if it is normal Allopathic treatment should be stopped and Kalonji treatment be continued. After forty days, sweet can be taken to check your sugar level. If it is normal stop the treatment.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 00:12:43 +0000

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