Some very disturbing We want to share some very disturbing news - TopicsExpress


Some very disturbing We want to share some very disturbing news with every one, more importantly with Pukhtuns/ Afghans and our friends. The so called Taliban (allies of ISI) and other terrorists have got reactivated. In District Dir, the District of Chaney (Talib) Serajul Harq the senior Minister of Pukhtunkhwa, Bajawar and Swat. They again have started delivering speeches in mosques in these areas, they collect donations and persuade people to join them in their Jehad, which according to them is soon going to start on the western border as they see a danger coming on that border. These same terrorists were running camps from Dir and Bajawar, when their political wing MMA (Mutahida Majlis Amal), which consisted of Jumat Islami and Jameat Ulama Islam were ruling in Pukhtunkhwa 10 years ago. They raised Armies who went to kill innocent Pukhtuns/ Afghans in Afghanistan in the name of Jehad. Latter on they occupied Swat and Dir and started ruling these areas and waged war to occupy the rest of Pukhtunkhwa and Punchab etc. Millions of Pukhtuns of Dir, Swat, and Bajawar lived in terror and more than fifty thousand innocent Pukhtuns were murdered in Dir/ Swat and the remaining Pukhtunkhwa during the last 15 years and still being murdered, by these terrorists. The so called treble belt is still living in terror. ISI have reactivated these terrorists again. The government of Talib Khan and specially Jumat Islami are supporting these terrorists as they supported them before, hence they are openly preaching Jehad against Pukhtuns/ Afghans in Afghanistan and terrorising local people while the government of Pukhtunkhwa is watching them and encouraging them to do so . That is why ISI manipulated the Paki Election so Talib Khan’s PTI and Jumata Islami can form Government in Pukhtunkhwa for this day. I want to ask these terrorists that Americans are leaving Afghanistan at the end of this year, then why does the need of another Jehad arises against the Pukhtun Muslims of Afghanistan tan. For us all Pukhtuns on both sides of the so called Durand line it really is very disturbing. A renewed civil war is being orchestrated in Pukhtuns Territory by ISI, while the 40 years old civil war in Afghanistan spilled to Pukhtunkhwa designed by ISI is still not over yet. Many more innocent Pukhtuns/ Afghans will die on both sides of the so called Durand line. Many more innocent Pukhtuns/ Afghans of Swat, Bajawar and Dir will be murdered by ISI/ terrorist alliance again as they were murdered by these terrorists in the last 15 years. Another terror is going to begin for the people of Bajawar, Swat and Dir. The political wings (Talib Khan PTI/ JI) of ISI/ Terrorists alliance will be responsible for this civil war or killing of innocent Pukhtuns and all Pukhtuns/ Afghans should make Talib Khan of PTI and Chaney Serajulhaq of JI pay for it.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 20:25:07 +0000

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