Some very interesting responses from Oberon Zell, head of the - TopicsExpress


Some very interesting responses from Oberon Zell, head of the Church of All Worlds (through whom I was re-re-ordained this Fall), on the topic of his founding CAW. Enjoy! By Oberon Zell Subject: RE: Church of all Worlds Questions from Chris Doleshal What specifically motivated you to start the religion? The same thing that motivates me to create everything I create--like my art, and the Grey School: I wanted a thing that didn’t already exist, so I had to create it. In the case of CAW, I grew up deeply involved in religion. But as I grew older and learned more, I found that the churches I knew just weren’t big enough and deep enough for me. I explored other religions of the world, and found myself most drawn to ancient Paganism, myths, legends, holiday customs; as well as visionary science fiction. When I read Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land” in 1962, I was inspired to create a church and religion that would be everything I wanted my religion to be. And so I did. What would be your advice for a future convert to a Pagan religion such as CAW? Have a good idea of what you really want in your own heart of hearts (make a check list!). Then go look for it. Check out every candidate thoroughly; talk to others both inside and out. Study the literature—especially general survey books like “Drawing Down the Moon,” “Encyclopedia of Witches & Witchcraft,” and other books surveying Pagan religions (see attached Bibliography). Pick ones whose philosophy most closely resonates with your own, and check out their websites. Then show up and participate. Meet the people and see how well you fit in with them. If you don’t like the people, move on. If you do like them, stay. Is the CAW still breeding Unicorns? No. We did that way back in the 1980s. All our Unicorns have long since died of old age (11-15 years). If we can manage to buy this farm we’re now living on, we may raise Unicorns again someday… Do you need to be a part of the CAW to be a part of your online school? No. The Grey School of Wizardry has nothing to do with the CAW. The Grey School is entirely secular, and not affiliated with any religion—not even my own. Wizardry is not a religion, and Wizards are not religious functionaries. Wizardry is a profession, a calling, a way of life; and Wizards are more like scientists, philosophers, inventors, teachers—professors. Our GSW students and faculty are of many different religions—in fact, our second graduate was a Sufi Moslem! The motto of the Grey School is “Omnia vivunt; Omnia inter se conexa” (“Everything is alive; everything is interconnected”). What in your view is your biggest accomplishment so far with the CAW? Establishing the identification of “Pagan,” and thereby launching the modern Pagan movement. Being the first Pagan religion to achieve full legal recognition in the US (incorporated 1968; 501(c)(3) in 1970). Being the first Pagan religion to achieve full legal recognition in Australia (1992). Co-founding numerous Pagan alliances, networks, and ecumenical associations (Council of Themis, Council of Earth Religions, Covenant of the Goddess, Universal Federation of Pagans, Pagan Dictionary Project, Pagan Leaders Summit, Papal Apology Committee, Grey Council, Coalition for Capitalization of “Pagan”). Developing a theology of immanent divinity (“Thou art God/dess”) and embedding it into the nascent Pagan movement. Establishing water-sharing as a core ritual and sacrament (“Water shared is Life shared; may you never thirst!”). Articulating and embedding the “Gaea Thesis” (the biosphere of our planet is a single vast living Being, whose soul is the Goddess we have always known as “Mother Earth”). Developing in-depth liturgy, rituals, songs and mythos for the full 8 Sabbats of the Wheel of the Year. Recreating and conducting the ancient Mysteries of Eleusis year after year since 1990. Environmental activism as sacred work (one of our co-founders also co-founded “Earth First!” I co-founded “Forever Forests”). Coining the terms “polyamory” and “polyamorous,” getting these terms into the Dictionary, and launching a worldwide social movement to legitimate and codify multiple loving relationships. Reconciling science and religion (the “Gaea Thesis;” quantum magick). Recreating authentic Living Unicorns, demonstrating to the world that nothing is impossible. Drawing our mythology as much from the future (science fiction) as from the past (myths and legends). Publishing “Green Egg” magazine for 45 years (and still going strong!). And still being around and relevant after more than 50 years! In fact, can you think of any other religion whose founder was/is still alive, active, relevant, and in charge more than 50 years later?
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 05:06:32 +0000

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