Some very poignant words .. If men were still taught their old - TopicsExpress


Some very poignant words .. If men were still taught their old values, traditions and position in their family, tribe, society. And recognised as boys, adolescents, men, fathers, grandfathers by their families, tribe and society and allowed to drum and sing their truth again without being ridiculed or having to uphold macho bullshit. Everyones world would be a better and more balanced place to be in. Small pockets of men are now building on this, me included. Gathering our brothers together to drum and sing and tell our truths. Its time for men to be men again, recognise and honour with respect the divine feminine. But at the same time honour themselves and their brothers. If we can teach our young men that being a man is about supporting family and tribe, and our families about recognising and respecting this role. Hopefully they wont feel the need to be in a gang and commit crimes to get recognition and respect. A lot of our young men are lost in our/your society, modern life, greed, materialism and putting shallow celebrities on pedestals gives false, empty truths to them. If you want to stop our young warriors fighting themselves and their families. Take a different look at them, its only few generations ago that being a young man was all about being recognised within family and tribe as someone who was a credit to family and tribe. They were guided and TOLD their worth and the stages in their lives were marked and honoured. So tell them their role, guide them and recognise and honour their different stages on their path. At the moment mens live just slide along in one long stage without recognition of any different stages they go through. Women are different in that their stages are recognised. They are guided and helped by other women to approach and get through them. They still gather and talk their truths about being women in circles. Lets help stop the confusion in our young men before they turn their confusion on themselves, other young men and our women folk. Bright blessings to all, Gary Williamson
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 11:14:21 +0000

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