Some weeks ago rising tensions in Port Laoise Prison were brought - TopicsExpress


Some weeks ago rising tensions in Port Laoise Prison were brought to a head following the administrations refusal to permit a family visit to one of our POWs. In response to what was perceived as an escalation in a long running campaign against the prisoner immediate protest action was announced. The demands were: * The right to adequate healthcare (treatment action for a serious brain injury) * Transfer to Maghaberry prison (held up for over two years unexplained) * Rights to family contact in prison. (20 visits had been refused over a 2 week period) The Prison administration immediately engaged the INLA structure (who house the Prisoner in question) and requested that a period of 3 days be provided to them to resolve these issues. The Command Structure agreed to co-operate on a bi-lateral bond of good faith. Externally and for quite sometime Human rights campaigner Barry Rodgers had been involved with these issues and liaised with Claire Daly TD to avoid any protest or harm coming to the Prisoner or his family while members of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee also engaged Maureen OSullivan TD in the same spirit. The Prison administration maintained their bond of trust and at a meeting between representatives of the Dept. of Justice and the INLA command Staff which was conducted within PL Gaol, an immediate referral to Beumont Hospital was arranged and that appointment has since been attended. Pressure applied from elected representatives was noted in this resolution. Although the denial of visits was excused by the state as a security issue determining no assurance could be guaranteed, no visits have been declined citing that security issue since that meeting. As a result of Barry Rodgers efforts Eamann OCuiv TD asked a Parliamentary question to Minister for (in) Justice Alan Shatter who stated the transfer hold up was due to his office waiting on documents from the NIO. Toose documents speedily arrived. Yesterday TDs Claire Daly, Mick Wallace and Maureen OSullivan visited our prisoner at Port Laoise Gaol and discussed all concerns past and remaining pledging to ensure the Minister now signs off on an impending transfer. Cogús representatives and IRPWA representatives in Belfast have also assisted on the issue of transfer. These serious issues, in the main, have been resolved through unified hard but quiet work. Making headlines is nothing in comparison to producing results and it is a credit to those who commit quietly to these chores day and daily what they achieve in real terms for our family; the republican people. Maith sibh!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:25:30 +0000

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