Some weeks back there was a rather poorly publicised meeting in - TopicsExpress


Some weeks back there was a rather poorly publicised meeting in the Grange Community Centre. The turnout was absolutely awful but I am sure that is because so few knew about it. Anyway that did lead to a few of us setting up another group, not losing sight of the issue on the north of the Grange but focusing on the building allocations in North Herts altogether. You may have seen a couple of weeks ago I wrote a letter in the Comet trying again to pull at the heart strings of our community who sadly seem to think this is all still a done deal. Well my friends, sad to say but if we all feel like that then it most definately is, if we all try and fight it then there is still a chance that we can get this development stopped. We have written so far to two groups in Hitchin and one in Baldock to invite them to join forces with us to object collectively to the whole of the governments proposal. Baldock have come back quite positive, whilst the Hitchin groups are to discuss the scenario. The office of national statistics supplied the government with these numbers based on projections that typically did not account for all factors. The Heritage foundation in their own documentation have stated that the towns numbers could stay almost stagnent and this falls in line with quite a few other documents. Whatever we believe we know that the numbers of houses to be built in North Hertfordshire is too many. It will destroy our heritage and take away valuable agricultural land forever. And thats just the start. The few of us that have met on three occasions so far have formulated a plan to continue to recruit as many like minded groups as possible so that we have a voice that must be heard. We are actively writing to all of our MPs to demonstrate our objections. We are calling on all of the Letchworth councillors to hold a public meeting to explain to the people of Letchworth how these plans are progressing and the implications. If we can get enough people behind us with these new goals, we will then organise another petition and take it, along with as many of us as possible to London. We will deliver it personally and never let happen again what the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation did when they ignored the 1000 plus residence petition that we handed them. We are going this week to try and get a website up and running so that we have a central point to refer to and we are going to hold another meeting next Wednesday to see if this weeks goals targets have been met. Obviously we will pressurise the councillors to respond to the meeting letter as soon possible as time is of the essence. As soon as that meeting is announced I will put a notice in the Comet and other local sources. To all of you that have supported us on the FB page the invitation is open for you to join us again in fighting these proposed builds and with the devolution promises made to Scotland and the up and coming General Election there has probably never been a better time to get Councillors, MPs and even Governments attention. For any of you that want to come along to next Wednesdays meeting, we are holding them at the allplas offices in Lacerta Court. SG6 1FJ 7:30pm. Next Wednesday. Cant promise you a chair though.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 21:35:44 +0000

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