Some words from Former Chief Justice of Madras High Court Some - TopicsExpress


Some words from Former Chief Justice of Madras High Court Some people came to my residence just now who wanted to invite Dr. A. P.J. Abdul Kalaam, former President of India, to a function on education. I am well known to Dr. Abdul Kalaam, and perhaps they came to me knowing this. I spoke to Dr. Abdul Kalaam telephonically, and am trying to fix up an appointment for them. Then I told them something about Dr. Abdul Kalaam. When I was Chief Justice of Madras High Court, I went with my wife to Rameshwaram. After going to the temple there I decided to go to the family residence of Dr. Kalaam. I was received there by his elder brother and his family. The family house is a small simple house, with no trappings of luxury or ostentation. It was just like a simple hut. I wondered that had this house belonged to many of our present politicians that house may have by now become a palace. When Dr. Kalaam became the President of India he gave strict instructions that if any of his family members ( he himself is a bachelor, but his brothers,only one of whom has survived, and sisters have children and grandchildren) came to Delhi to stay with him in Rashtrapati Bhawan he would himself pay for their travel fare and even their food, etc in Rashtrapati Bhawan, as they were his private guests,not official guests. I wonder how many Presidents have maintained those high standards. This is why Dr. Kalaam is loved so much by Indians even today. - Markandey Katju, Former Chief Justice, Madras High Court
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:37:27 +0000

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