Some words of reason: Religion is a problem. More specifically, - TopicsExpress


Some words of reason: Religion is a problem. More specifically, it is humanity’s oldest and most negatively influential problem that still today plagues our minds and our society. Religion insults reality by demanding there must be something greater. Religion makes people fear death by offering a way out. Religion convinces people they are rotten to the core and require guidance. Religion steals the credit away from heroes and gives it to God. Religion tries to teach us that some issues of preference require delegation. Religion substitutes irrational faith for reason in times of danger. Religion hinders scientific application due to the playing God defense. Religion hinders scientific study by allowing potentials to embrace ignorance. Above all, it is psychologically unhealthy to believe in a fantasy. You may think it helps you through the hard times, but it actually makes things worse. This is because you convince yourself there must be some beautiful reward after this life, therefore labeling this life as shit. As well, believing this life to be a stepping stone to the real life will affect your willingness to do well in your current life, live it to the fullest, and treat people as good as possible. Redemption is not necessary in this life if you are guaranteed redemption in the next. Please, think about all of this and realize that atheists are trying to help. If you would spread the good word, please like and share.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 19:49:29 +0000

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