Some would say blood is thicker then water and it should be - TopicsExpress


Some would say blood is thicker then water and it should be always. When your brother is the criminal that danced with the devil. Mom and Dad ran into some hard times when dad got cancer and was to sick to work. They sold 4 ac but not the easement. The new owner would have a legal right to use the easement to enter and exit the land turns out brother from hell was pissed they sold that 4 ac he hoped they would give it to him. Dad fighting cancer cant work bills to pay. So my brother got a friend to by 50 ac which in return when my parents died he would exchange the road easement for the four ac my parents sold. My brother from hell forged my dads signature signing part of the easement over to tree farm. One of tree farm worker moved the survey section marker. Tree farm gained 5 ac with moving the markers. All neighbors lost some land in this creating a divide and conqur in the neighborhood. This is when home owners learned when they bought their land from the bank no one owed the easement but my mom. When everthing did not seem right for my mom and her attorney I wrote the bar assoc and asked two question 1. How can one attorney represent my mom who owned the easement and the neighbor that did not own it, they paved in front of his but not my moms? 2. If the neighbor in the law suit with mom couldnt stop the pavement on his land, then he didnt owe the easement. Letter came back it was a conflect to represent both parties. Mom paid alot of money to fight this in court. She died before the out come. 1. We learned brother from hell forged my dads name to sell the easement. You cant sell only a part, you have to sell begining to the end of an easement. His mistake 2. My father and his side of the family never had anything to do with that easement. He should have forged moms name 3. Mom said thats why her son from hell wanted to be the only one involved in the easesment and pissed I helped mom. All signs he was in trouble and cartel would do anything to remove mom and I from the land to gain the easement for their illegal activities to lock the top of the mountain from anyone from entering except their partners in crime. We were screwed. Thats how the end of my mothers life ended broken hearted, pissed, but still worried about all her family. My father passed in the home he built for his family and she wanted to be their until her final days it was her home that she loved. I stayed for her, she was my rock my best friend when I became pregent at 15 I loved her I was her rock when she needed me.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 07:47:35 +0000

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