Some years ago a Chinese economist came to study the - TopicsExpress


Some years ago a Chinese economist came to study the socio-political-economic model in the United States. His mission was to go back to the Chinese Polit-bureau and advise as to what they needed to do in order to follow in the successful US economic model. The conclusion of his study was that China could not duplicate the economic success of the United States using the Free Enterprise, Capitalistic economic model. When queried as to why this was his conclusion, he plainly stated that he had not understood how great an element that “Faith” had been in the conduct of economy, politics and our way of life, and this could not be duplicated in communist China. This federal government is acting out the model that they have been molded into by this system, and trained to understand. Just like the changing of the shield at Harvard University, these folks feel that ‘man can know and control everything’. That is why references to Christ and the Church at large were removed from Harvard’s shield, and all the books are face up (one used to be face down because man cannot have the mind of G-d), for they believe that they CAN know it all and there are no secrets left that they do not understand. This means that they feel they are equal to G-d. Something I do not think a mere man can do, even Moses, Enoch and Elijah. Jesus is the only Man that can claim actual understanding of G-d’s plan, because He was G-d corporeal when he walked upon the planet, and only G-d could accomplish that, which has baffled mere men ever since. Mere men cannot understand it, and in their lack of understanding and acceptance, demonstrate their lack of Faith . . . That Faith being the key component of, or element in, why “These United States of America” has been the ‘most successful nation on the face of the earth throughout time.’ Now we have an administration that has nothing but lip service for faith, and disdain for organizations of faith (Save Islamic, which receives preference, in position, politics, law, and our education text books). We now find out in fact that this administration has targeted institutions of faith as a political policy, to subvert, undermine, and deter these organizations from organizing, growing, and moving forward with their training, self sustainment, and growth via the current national political machine, that now permeates every executive department in this federal government, via the leadership of the like minded Czars, that have been appointed by this president, and been in management roles across the board. These Czars in all the executive departments, have been acting in concert since the beginning of the first term, and continue, now that much of their staffs and mechanisms have joined in the effort. We see it from EPA to the Treasury. From the IRS to the FBI. Even mechanisms of our military have demonstrated a lack of faith in what they ‘know to be right’, and act inappropriately. This administration, at the beginning of the first term, actually floated the idea of “nationalizing” our law enforcement organizations just to gain control of that function throughout society. Do you feel safer now? The president actually campaigned (first term) on the premise of developing and fielding a law enforcement mechanism, that is as large, equipped, and as capable as the army. This is the mindset of someone (and a group) who fundamentally has no semblance of understanding of our form of government, and a free people, where every citizen is responsible for their own actions, supports themselves (their livelihood), and owns their own property as a mechanism to do so. It does sound like a system that exist in Iran, North Korea, the old Soviet Union, and current China. The model is that ‘government makes the money and owns everything’. There are members of our own executive branch who have openly stated such, some working for the IRS. Private property rights is not sacrosanct in this model, and these people’s minds. You exist at their leisure, and therefore they can tax you as they see fit. This is the definition of Tyranny. The executive branch has been acting unilaterally across the board. This is dangerous. With the advent of this ideological governmental mechanism taking control, after we have compromised so much of our freedoms, and all of these functions throughout government to a more socialist/communist positive control model, it creates a very tenuous time for this democracy to persist, if in fact exist at all. More importantly, in the presence of so much monitoring and control by this administration, how are we to maintain any semblance of freedom in this “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”. This Democratic Republic is very rapidly becoming anything but. Congress WILL NOT assume its responsibility as a full partner in this Triune governmental model. The Judiciary (the other leg of this tri-union) has already shown that they no longer consider The Standard (Holy Bible upon which our whole system of government stands) to be ‘The Standard’, and are making it up as they go along like little demigods. we can only guess how long it will take for the infrastructure to be in place, and give ultimate control over a population that is addicted to a digital world, which is the primary mechanism of monitoring activity using computational analysis methods. How’s them apples? G-d Save Us All, and G-d Bless The United States of America.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 18:47:02 +0000

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