Somebody asked me today whats a typical day for you meaning me. Ok - TopicsExpress


Somebody asked me today whats a typical day for you meaning me. Ok wake up in the morning with eyes streaming throat on fire because the nice lady who lives a few doors aways will burn every piece of rubbish lying around including car tires. Nice to keep the street clean. Cup of coffee quick wash brush teeth and a dump.Trainers on then one hour of exercising of jogging and walking meeting people Hi Joe Ive even got a union jack on my back still Hi Joe.Finished shower breakfast time to check the internet Facebook E-mails read the newspapers just to see who is more corrupt today and who is pointing the finger at who. Reading the WYZ is suing the RPO and the TPL and the APT is involved now Im really confused. So off to the gym walking along just missing the dog shit I turn on to the main street THE ICE RINK every colour of the rainbow is on the ground spit everywhere Its good to get it up. After 2 and a half hours back home lunch time showers eat. Ahh feeling sleepy time for a nap but my neighbour who is building a new car across the street has other ideas BANG BANG all afternoon well at least hes working good on him.Cup of coffee again quick snack time to get ready for training 5 minutes to 7 jump in the car as its colour coding day. Into the main street again STOP as somebody walks right in front of you I put down my window and say its safer if you walk on the side walk BLANK EXPRESSION from the girl DONT YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE?? PHILIPPINES.Me now confused She shouts back Im texting and she says the side walk is for Motorbikes.Silly me. Now out of the village on to the main road THE ASYLUM two minutes STOP Jeepney with no break lights in fact no lights at all. Nice to see he thinking about the environment now driving in the disco some cars with lights on full beam some with no lights on at all. 10pm training is finished quick beer shower back into the ASYLUM now just avoiding the holes that Saddam Hussein has left after bombing the main road.Well thats what it looks like.Home time for bed floss brush sleep?? No way the neighbour has time for her singing lessons Karaoke machine gos on its midnight. Three hours of screaming it stops now sleep?? No way the nice free dogs decide to fight woof woof and now the Roosters have started Cockadoodledoo A day in my life.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 08:14:19 +0000

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