Somebody mentioned the other day that my statuses were all about - TopicsExpress


Somebody mentioned the other day that my statuses were all about me and yeah, it aggravated me some. Of course, I explained that by posting where I m going to be performing,some of you know where to come to listen to music or sing a little bit. It s easier than me telling each individual person that asks over n over again. And yeah, I went back n looked over my page to see if I m really as self centered as the person made me feel. Then I went to other people s pages and read back over theirs and my conclusion is this: EVERYONE S posts concern themselves in one way or another. It s their wall and they tend to write about their lives. So if I m guilty then so is everyone else. Another thing I ve been accused of is being long winded in my posts. And while I really AM probably guilty of that, I mostly talk about things that MATTER to me, so I might expound on them at length. To this my only answer would be: DON T READ IT THEN!! Scroll on by! It won t hurt my feelings a bit. Lol! Now that being said, (I feel better for getting it off my mind) cause if I d posted what I m about to people might have assumed I m making my statuses ALL ABOUT ME. Lol! What I really wanted to post is that when I attended the Molasses Festival, I was deeply touched by how many of you wanted me to sing for you. I was asked over n over to do so and PLEASE don t think that I wouldn t, under any other circumstances, not do so. It really means a lot to me that you enjoy my music and I truly hope you didn t think I was being rude or unappreciative when I refused. I just feel like it s kinda like someone stealing someone else s moment in the spotlight or on the stage when another person seems to take over. I don t want any artist or talent to feel like I think I m better than they are. Call it professional courtesy, I guess. I just felt like it would be rude. I came to be in the audience and that s where I stayed. That doesn t mean I wasn t honored that you all ask me to sing for you. I really enjoyed County Line Country and all the dancers they had on the floor. I believe they re a GREAT band. I loved talking to everyone there at the Festival and even got to get my picture taken with a couple talented young fans! So I hope I didn t offend any of you by refusing and if I did, please believe it was not my intention. Thanks so much for your support.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:26:52 +0000

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