Somebody said this to me: “Look, you only bring it up because - TopicsExpress


Somebody said this to me: “Look, you only bring it up because you dont want him in office. I have no idea where he was born and what is his real certificate, but I would wish for America to want to disqualify someone on the grounds of incompetence or activity such as Watergate. It feels like there are no solid arguments when you waste time on a cause you must already know is lost...” It has been said by some Obama BC supporters that if the birth certificate is a fraud, then it is one of the biggest crimes in history. Wouldn’t possibly one of the biggest crimes in history be a match for Watergate? Birth certificates are to establish our identity in a legal sense, that as citizen’s we are entitled to certain legal rights and benefits prescribed by law. Obama’s birth certificate was used to establish his authenticity before the Constitution, the American public, our political parties, our allies, and even our enemies. If Obama knowingly backed a fraudulent identity document, then he has played the US for fools, and disrespected his oath before he even swore it. If Obama’s backers have knowingly backed a man they knew was not legally qualified to take the office, does not that reveal tyranny at the highest levels of our govt? If the Constitution is flouted to get a person into office, what will be done once that person is in the office? Does not this appear to skirt the boundaries of treason??? Does that hit the standard of Watergate? I no longer care what Obama’s birth place is. I no longer care who his real parents are. I no longer care where he was born. The birth certificate that was put out is a forgery. Obama should be given the same respect that a doctor, lawyer, mechanic, plumber, babysitter, accountant, bank teller, or employment application should get when fraudulent documentation is used. Barack Hussein Obama is a liar, cheat, and fraud down to his birth certificate and is not worthy of the trust due his position. Does that hit the standard of Watergate? The cause for which I post this, is not for any dislike of Obama. The cause has to do with maintaining the integrity of the political process, the integrity of the office of the presidency, the integrity of the leaders in our govt. The very main cause for which I make these posts on the birth certificate, is hoping to awaken my fellow Americans to know there is some real problems going on in our govt. To tell them to stop and reconsider this forged birth certificate. When these causes are lost, there will be no more United States to speak of. Obama is not incompetent, he is doing exactly what he wants, and he is corrupt down to his birth certificate. There are solid reasons by which anybody who pays serious attention too, can be 100% certain this birth certificate is forged. These videos provide a solid introduction to several problems in Obama’s birth certificate. The speaker does a great job of breaking it down and explaining things, they are easy to follow. It is my hope that many people will repost these to reach others, that page admins might repost them on their pages, or even pin a video for others to see. https://youtube/watch?v=7s9StxsFllY&list=PL5CD111B75CA62B30 This video was a presentation to law enforcement professionals. None of them walked away thinking it was a waste of time. youtube/watch?annotation_id=annotation_117712&feature=iv&src_vid=dnkTWg1Lcb0&v=PwDqXFCy0Bo
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 01:06:43 +0000

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