Somebody said this to me: “This is old news. Besides, everybody - TopicsExpress


Somebody said this to me: “This is old news. Besides, everybody knows he is a fraud and nobody will do anything about it”. Yes, I suppose it can be considered old news. Just like Fast and Furious, IRS targeting conservative groups, Benghazi and other events are old news as well. Forget about those too? So we are only to be concerned about issues while they are hot and breaking in the news cycle? There should be a statute of limitations based on the length of the news cycle? It is commonly accepted in today’s society that all politicians are liars and frauds. Most people believe that Obama is no worse, or better, than any other politician. Most Americans do not believe that this birth certificate is a forgery either. I have asked numerous people, “If you knew this BC was a forgery, would you be accepting of Obama as president?” and most answer a definite “No!” Many of those people would vote for Obama again, today. Most Americans cannot respect being deceived by a liar, cheat, and fraud that has subverted the Constitution. That is what a forged birth certificate exposes. Every action Obama takes is given legitimacy because of a forged birth certificate. Every attempt at gun control is done from the legitimacy of a forged birth certificate. Every action at cutting the military is done from the legitimacy of forged birth certificate. Every raise in the debt ceiling is done from the legitimacy of a forged birth certificate. Every lie he tells he gets away with because of the legitimacy of a forged birth certificate. Every time he blames someone or something he gets away with it because of the legitimacy he gets from using a forged birth certificate. Every paid vacation he gets is because of the legitimacy of a forged birth certificate. Every time Obama smirks and ridicules the right, he does it with the legitimacy gained from a forged birth certificate. Is this monotonous old news? On May 1, 2012 a duly authorized law enforcement body announced “Probable Cause” existed with Obama’s BC. That means you or I would be given pink underwear. Within 48 hours a media shutdown occurred. People are not hearing about this birth certificate because the American media has been threatened into silence. The truth is, Obama can handle just about any amount of press that comes out. He can let people talk all day about limited govt, tax rates, spending, term limits, this lie or that lie, he can expect and can handle that. The media has been controlled and beaten into submission on the BC. Obama has as much as said that he cannot spend any more time on this BC. Wanna guess the real reason why he would say that? Our elected leaders, they have a culture all their own. They are at the very seat of world power and vast sums of money. Some 50% of congressmen are millionaires. They are able to write laws that favor themselves to do insider trading that makes Enron a child’s playtime. Many of them have family and business contacts that are able to make millions, even hundreds of millions, by laws they write. Our elected leaders know, if the people are controlled by the controlled media, they do not have to do a thing, NEITHER CAN THEY DO ANYTHING. Why should they upset their apple cart? They are not doing nothing, they are covering their asses. They also know they had better seize enough power to control the masses, or run like hell. The last chance we have for any free press in America today, is the Internet. But even this is under attack. From Ed Snowden there have been revelations about governments doing disinformation campaigns. That is going on today. The presence of trolls is common knowledge to anybody that spends time on conservative sites. Many of those trolls appear to be operatives out to spread disinformation on issues including the birth certificate. That may not be as big an issue soon, since it is being reported that Obama wants to give away the Internet. Wanna bet the laws will be rewritten to favor Big Brother NSA style? We cannot say that people are doing nothing about this birth certificate, they are working very hard at making us do nothing about it. They have succeeded quite handsomely. The nation is being played. This BC does seem like a stupid and unimportant issue. Many other issues seem to be so much more critical, and they are critical. But every issue and cause being argued and debated, has gained the legitimacy that Obama gained from using a forged birth certificate. Check it out for yourself and then repost. Keep reposting. Shove this damned forgery right back in Obama’s face. networkedblogs/Um3UH wnd/2014/02/govt-handbook-for-internet-trolls-uncovered/ Birthers are not the only ones getting attacked shoebat/2014/01/24/obama-goes-political-enemy-wants-destroy-freedoms/ Check the BC out for yourself. https://youtube/watch?v=7s9StxsFllY https://youtube/watch?v=8muZ1Pe9OAo&hd=1
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 02:48:09 +0000

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