Somebody wrote this who, apparently, doesnt have the best writing - TopicsExpress


Somebody wrote this who, apparently, doesnt have the best writing skills. And, Im not sure about all the facts stated here, but there are some good points made, and Im not sure who might defend this, or who might defend someone who many consider the worse US President ever. I know people are tired of all the negative, believe it or not, I am too. BUT, if I had a poisonous snake in my apartment, I would not take my eyes off it until one of us was gone somehow, some way, come rain or shine. If my friends are tired of my political posts, they dont exactly mention it. Dont speak against the points I try to share or make. If I though everyone on my friends lists were decided for or against what I post, I might feel like my work was done. I dont feel the need to change anyones mind about anything. I just like the idea of everyone having all the information possible in making their own decisions, and if the mainstream media is any indications, I dont believe one can find all the information available. ***************************** I should have more respect for President Obama. I believe I have the same amount of respect that the colonies had for King George and that the citizens of Germany should have had for Adolf Hitler. Obama has done more against the American economy, American military, United States Constitution and the American people than any other person in history. Obama created more national debt than all the previous 43 presidents of this nation combined. The level of national debt presently makes all discussion of balancing the budget a joke. Any budget that sets out to save a few billion over so many years does not take into consideration the rate of interest which is adding to the national debt. At the present rate of debt it is impossible for it ever to be paid. It appears as if Obama has spent more energy defending Islam than finding ways to eliminate ISIS and Islamic terrorists. During Pentagon briefs he has been known to storm out of meetings that seem to be rude to Islam and ‘painting all of Islam with the same brush’. Obama has done more to appease Islam than to comfort the families of those beheaded by the animals that parade under its name. Obama has shown his total disdain for the US military by sending one of our most elite fighting forces into a biochemical suicide mission with little more training in dealing with the Ebola virus than most nurses might be able to get in a month. How are our troops supposed to protect themselves against a biochemical terror such as Ebola when the medical community is argument among itself over how it is even spread? Obama has lied so many times to the American people it is simply taken for granted. The level of corruption in the White House has never been met in the past. Barack Obama has the blood of Americans and the military on his hands and he seems to not even care.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 07:40:44 +0000

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