Somehow the so called West and its allies have got compassion for - TopicsExpress


Somehow the so called West and its allies have got compassion for Ugandans and speak against Idi Amin, calling him names and cooking up numbers of people they claimed he murdered and placed their body parts in a freezer and you Africans foolishly believe. you never for once asked, where was their moral compassion during the invasion and slavery and murder of Africans? Where was their compassion and sense of human rights and democracy when the evil whites ruled S. Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique just to name a few in apartheid fashion? Where was their oral compassion when Leopold murdered tens of millions in Congo - a number higher than the Europeans so called Jews Hitler supposedly murdered? Where was their compassion when Africans were enslaved and brutally lynched in the US? Where was their moral compassion when gangs like the kkk were allowed to run free? Where was their compassion when water hoses, guns and dogs were set on African-Americans during the Civil Rights protests? You never for once asked yourselves, did you? But in your folly you have been cajoled once again, defrauded as always, scammed into being the fool and blindly you have followed. Oh, Africans, how much do common sense, dignity and pride weep for us!- Teekay Akin Free Africa Project, FAP, Nigeria
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 04:02:01 +0000

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