Somehow you Facebook humans have located my Tumblr, which is - TopicsExpress


Somehow you Facebook humans have located my Tumblr, which is extremely peculiar to me as I dont share it to anyone. Part of this I wrote about 3 years ago and posted last year, the other part I wrote about a year ago but have not shared yet. pretty cheesy stuff. best to read out loud and to follow and exaggerate the punctuation So here this goes. Sequence one: The conjoining And there I was the lowest point of my life I had ever been. My whole existence was dark and dismal and my every movement was slowed. I felt like dear old Atlas, like I was carrying the world on my shoulders. Everything was falling apart I had no where to go no one to fall back on and nothing in my heart. An empty shell of a human being. I traveled to the mountains where I met with some old friends, they introduced me to Lady Lucy, and within minutes I was in love with her. Her body moved and swayed like the ocean, her eyes were a psychedelic blue-green swirl of which I’d never seen before in my sentience. And her skin, her skin felt like the finest silks man had ever made. She was almost alien. My friends instigated a kiss with her, which we both gladly indulged, and another and a 3rd and 4th.. My mouth was numb with pleasure from the vibrant and exotic conjoining of our lips , my face soon became flush. Slowly I could feel every part of my mind leaving my body, going without me on a search for something better than I… I was sitting in the corner of the room near the kitchen table, sitting in my empty mindless shell of a body. Observing everyone in my plane of sight. Observing every line on their body, every out of place hair and every part of their personality down to the smallest ticks memorizing their aura. I could impersonate anyone of them, become them if I so chose… Lucy, she made me feel like a god among men. Minutes later I switched my focus. The kitchen table. The rings in the wood, left from the tree the table was made from. I watched them fill with life, breathing in, and out and in and out… “Beautiful.” I said to myself. “Life is everywhere and in everything, every organism sharing the same common goal survival from life’s struggles.” We all share this common link, this bond. The need and desire to survive. All of us except for me that is… I closed my eyes and opened them.. The seasons were passing before me, over and over again almost to rapid to comprehend. I could feel them, hear them and smell them.. The warm shinning summer, the darkening fall, winter bright with the crisp snow and fresh mountain breeze the smell of fire in the air and spring with its beautiful gift of rebirth and a new beginning to all life in nature.There… My focus switched again. Like the spiral of a double helix my brain rocketed into the cosmos, I could see everyone and everything. Every single living organism I was apart of them. My mind left the collective and joined it simultaneously… Everything made sense now. All my primordial problems solved as easy as 2+2. It was so simple. I was thrown back in my chair, mind, soul and aura all shoved into the empty shell that was my body. I looked around the room, the minutes I spent away from here felt like years in my reality… A few more moments passed and I felt complete again, the answer I had learned on my journey became clear. I spoke softly to myself “everything is going to be okay.” I smiled. “Everything is going to be okay, everything is going to be okay” and there.. All the weight on my shoulders disappeared and my life seemed to glisten. I had been reborn. Birthed into a new reality by the one and only Lady Lucy. How I love her kiss. Sequence two: The balance of trust A trough of demonic entangles wrapped around my dear old friend. Every muscle, vein and tendon pulsing from his body as if he were about to immolate into a ferocious flame of black and darkness. The room filled with the smell of metal as blood gushed from his hands and feet, self inflicted wounds intended to release the evil that was inside him. It was trapped though, entwined into the deepest corners of his every sentient thought. Ripping and tearing his likeliness away. How did he get here, what device pulled him to the brink of his own humanly destruction?.. It was my friends from the mountains. They were the ones truly responsible for this… They traveled down south to the sanctity of our city, to sell and boarder with their most trusted colleague.. Lady Lucy… Usually common peoples interactions with her were pleasant. She could open up your mind and solve every worldly problem of yours. Her company was usually adjourned with peace of mind and completion of ones intellectual being… She is truly more beautiful then words could depict, no real conjunction of syllabus could enact the ballet of organized madness she is able to perform with the likes of man kind… She and I were great friends, but few realized the true strength of her dark side. If you are quite foolish enough to entwine your lips with the goddess, you allow her to become the absolute master of your sentience and destiny. For me, she was a guide, a friend and a beautiful lover. For my dear companion she was quite the opposite. It seems he had upset the young goddess, as if he thought he was a demigod of sorts, a match to her in both power and wisdom… She meant him harm. Lady Lucy grasped him by his groin and threw herself into him. Beating his head and throwing him into a loop of nightmares for him to relive over and over without end. She put pressure on his eyes, so great that the only relief to come would be if he were to rid of them himself. She then began to smother him, raising his heart rate and core temperature to the point where his own skin started to curdle and wreak like sulfur and burnt flesh. The Goddess was racking his brain bringing his body and mind to extremes and amusing herself with the madness she set upon this poor man. Driven to absolute madness he saw no other choice. The window of opportunity for his freedom was within grasp, the shear madness of what could have only been described as a self inflicted blood bath needed to end.. As he only saw fitting he ran towards the balcony and plunged himself over it. Hurtling his body into the sky, flying through the air as if he were in an organized symphony of masterful destruction. His flight cooled his skin and brought relief to all his pain.. Something he had been seeking was within arms reach. So close he could see every intricate detail of it.. Then… As he was about to collide with the cold relentless ground.. Awakening. Enlightenment. Enrichment… Darkness.. We all need to be taught a lesson she giggled… Lady Lucy. such a sweet, sweet kiss she has.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:38:17 +0000

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