Someone accused me of being a racist the other day, because I said - TopicsExpress


Someone accused me of being a racist the other day, because I said that I didn’t like the way most Black people behaved. Well, I don’t like it. That’s a fact. It’s like they have their own language, and are consciously trying to be very different from other Americans, especially White folks. I guess one could argue that this group of Black people are the real ‘racists’? I really don’t think I’m a racist. And I really don’t think I’m a bigot. I just don’t like folks that are hurting America. And I believe that many Black people hate America and are trying to hurt her. I also believe that The Muslim people want to hurt America. They can say they’re for peace, but their history says otherwise. Recently they protested a Christian minister from giving a breakfast prayer at West Point. I just don’t trust any of them and I feel they will try to do us harm sometime soon. I’m against anybody that hates America… or has a lifestyle that is harmful to America’s future. Patriotism is important to me… Morals are important too… Black, White, Jew, Muslim, Russian, Chinese, African, Eskimo, Japanese… it really doesn’t matter where your grandparents came from or what you look like. It’s about how you behave and whether you respect American values or not. If you are demeaning America, if you are trying to ‘change’ America, if you believe that America has given you the freedom to go against GOD’s Laws, if you are trying to hurt America in any way, then I’m against you… And, you are my enemy. I will fight you for America! Does that make me a racist? Does that make me a bigot? I don’t think so… But I’ll let you be the judge. If you can show me that you’re qualified to judge me... What do YOU stand for? Let’s start with that, OK?
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 04:10:22 +0000

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