Someone asked if we felt as a country were being persecuted and - TopicsExpress


Someone asked if we felt as a country were being persecuted and this is my answer to that question...... Financially I believe we are ,why are we paying for projects down South that are No benefit for Scotland, that money, for example, 4.3 Billion for HS2, 8 Billion keeping Trident would be better spent on jobs etc in Scotland where cuts are having a direct on our poorest citizens..... We should be allowed to have the government we voted for time n time again.....instead of a government that treats us as second class, sending us the poll tax to be tested in Scotland, now the bedroom tax, tested in Scotland.... Why are we the countries ginuea pigs when Westminster wants to try something that they know will be controversial.... Is it not our time to say enough is enough, experts say we can do it, why can we not have that self belief, other countries have gone it alone and prospered, why not us........ Nobody says it is going to be plain sailing but it is our destiny to at least give it our best shot, for our children n our grand children n generations to come....... If its a No vote on Sept 18th then we will accept the will of the majority but without hope n self belief we are mere pawns in Westminsters eyes to do with as it pleases and we will sell our country short if we dont at least try for a better future.... it is my belief if we vote No we are telling Westminster, do what you like to us n we will roll over n accept it That is my humble opinion....n why I am voting YES......
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:31:42 +0000

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