Someone asked me if it ever felt like God was being very quiet in - TopicsExpress


Someone asked me if it ever felt like God was being very quiet in my life. It sure has, way more often than I would like. I told them that it is during those times that I really have to lean hard on my Bible, God’s Holy Word. For years, when this would happen, I have taken my Bible and stood it up on its spine and just let it fall open where it will. That’s where I begin reading and way more times than not He uses whatever that passage may be to soothe my soul and renew my hope. It can be very hard when it seems as if God is not listening but let me assure you, no word passes from you that the Father doesn’t hear. However, even King David had moments in which he thought that maybe God was not hearing him. Psalm 22:1-2 1 My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away when I groan for help? 2 Every day I call to you, my God, but you do not answer. Every night you hear my voice, but I find no relief. You see, this up and down, mountain top and valley experience is a part of who we are. When we have those days when God is so close to us that at times it feels like you can close your eyes and reach out your hand and touch Him, well suffice it to say that we don’t ever want it to stop, right? I know I don’t. But it can’t always be that way. We are fallen people living in a fallen world that have been saved by Grace. We make mistakes, we sin and when we sin, we separate ourselves from God. We build a wall of shame between us and Him. Notice I said that we do it? God never leaves us and never will. He is always with us even if we can feel it. Remember this, your relationship with God is a living thing and requires care from you to help it grow. And not only do we sin, sometimes we can just get overwhelmed by life and what’s going on around us that it might seem as if God is not listening. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’m going to leave you this morning with the Youtube video and the lyrics from a song by Stephen Curtis Chapman called “The Mountain”. May I recommend that you go and listen to this beautiful song while you read these words and let them minister to your soul this morning and know this, you are very special to our God and He loves you and is with you right this moment, even if you can’t feel Him. “The Mountain by Stephen Curtis Chapman I want to build a house up on this mountain Way up high where the peaceful waters flow To quench my thirsty soul up on the mountain I can see for miles up on this mountain Troubles seem so small they almost disappear Lord I love it here up on the mountain My faith is strengthened by all that I see You make it easy for me to believe up on the mountain Oh, up on the mountain I would love to live up on this mountain And keep the pain of living life so far away But I know I cant stay, ohh.. up on the mountain I said Id go Lord wherever you lead For where you are is where I most want to be And I can tell were headed for the valley (yes we are) My faith is strengthened by all that Ive seen So Lord help me remember what youve shown me Up on the mountain Yea.. You bring me up here on the mountain For me to rest and learn and grow I see the truth up on the mountain And I carry it to the world far below So as I go down to the valley Knowing that you will go with me This is my prayer Lord help me to remember what you showed me Up on the mountain Up on the mountain I cherish these times up on the mountain But I can leave this place because I know Someday youll take me home to live forever Up on the mountain
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:12:11 +0000

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