Someone asked me the question today ... Do I get effected - TopicsExpress


Someone asked me the question today ... Do I get effected mentally, emotionally, spiritually during and after readings? The answer is 100% YES. As a natural healer, I subconsciously try to take away a persons suffering, pain and grief, this is something that my body, my energy just naturally does without me even knowing it. I have sometimes, rarely, burst into tears during a reading because I am not only feeling my clients energy and what they are going through but also feeling, seeing and hearing how their loved one passed and sometimes it is very heart breaking for me. After readings, I will either be full of energy or feel so deflated, low of energy and sad that I all I want to do is hide under a rock, but life goes on. Today was a day of wonderful highs and heartbreaking lows and am in the middle of trying to balance that energy out so I do not carry it with me for the rest of the day. But some readings leave an emotional scar on my soul that cant help change me, my perception of the world and of course my mood. I realized some time ago that one of the ways I fill the empty void after a busy day of readings is by eating. But since this realization I have begun doing things that are active like painting, landscaping, or using my creative talents and energy to ground myself and balance out the universal energy around me. Touring: One of the reasons why I limit my touring each year is because I need to have a safe place to call home during and after readings so I dont get overwhelmed. The worst feeling in the world, one I experience often is the sensation of feeling scared and I hate that feeling so I would rather be in a place that is safe to help me get through a day of readings. I will not be reading forever, but it is who I am right now and I would not change it for anything because if I was not meant to be doing what I am doing, I would not be as successful as I am, so there is another lesson: If you are meant to be doing something with your life that is the right journey for you to take then the universal energy will provide and help you as much as possible. I will always be doing something within my gift as it is something that cannot be switched off like a lamp, but to what degree in the future, who knows. All I know is how can I not be effected by the readings I do when I care about people, their lives and their loved ones on the other side as much as I do?
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 04:30:32 +0000

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