Someone asked me today while I was walking out of the Kremlin. - TopicsExpress


Someone asked me today while I was walking out of the Kremlin. What are your thoughts on the issue in Ukraine? How will Russia work this out to have the Sanctions lifted My answer: Hmm.. funny question, you should ask Victoria Nuland. Isnt she the one behind this entire situation to begin with? Ill put it as simple as possible, Right Sector is and will continue to be wrong. They kill innocent Russians( burning them) the U.S. media hasnt opened their mouths about this. Why.. because they support this group.. even supports neo-fascist group Svoboda who align their views in linage of those that Hitler supported. Somehow, the westerner media has brainwashed the populace there to hate Russia and anything Russia does or speak on. However, how come theres evidence out there that the US is in contract with companies like Greystone who contracts mercenaries.. those same mercenaries who shot down the plane over Russia borders. At this point and time, I do not care for the words of those from the west until they come clean with the lies theyve been giving the world for the past 60 or so years. Meeting with right sector leader Artyomenko has show how Desperate of U.S. to maintain “full spectrum dominance.” Now my question to you is why do you think the U.S. bombed the Nazis? “The only reason the U.S. bombed the Nazis were they were horning in on U.S. action…” Seriously, on the “Communist > Fascist” analog gauge, where does the US needle fall? At this point in time It’s about power not ideology. Zionists have created an industry out of victimhood. That ploy has successfully hidden their agenda for decades. Its all a propaganda tactic of U.S. is to accuse the “other” of committing the criminal act that the U.S. is guilty of. For example, U.S. has filed espionage charges against Chinese hackers. Russia’s solidifying its legal interests & unanimous direct democracy referendum is called empire building. Maybe you should read up on 118 from the American Jews who forced Europe to fight against Hitler not based on their beliefs, but the beliefs of the Jews who were kicked out of 118 countries in their entire existence. TaTeaza M thought you would like to read this.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 20:16:07 +0000

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