Someone call me crazy on MY recently developed opinion on law and - TopicsExpress


Someone call me crazy on MY recently developed opinion on law and our judicial system. Our entire country has been overrun by a foreign corporation, the United States inc. This is fact. Look it up. So this CORPORATION operates under contract law. Often times referred to maritime admiralty law. Its commercial law of the sea. The law of the land, common law, is the law that governs the man. Commercial law governs fictions. Ya with me so far? So the commercial world is the PUBLIC democracy. The reason the courts can ignore your constitutional arguments is because you have waived your rights in exchange for benefits and privileges. Our entire system is public. The private REPUBLIC, is laying dormant. Weather you like it or not, or aware of it or not, you engage in commerce everyday. In order for them to PRESUME your dealing in commerce they created a fiction that is capable of existing in the public capacity. This fiction or strawman is evidenced by your birth CERTIFICATE. Using this strawman to engage in commerce is what gives them jurisdiction over you. You are now bound to the terms and conditions of the contract (trust). So from what I have learned is that those of us that desperate ourselves from this strawman (and in turn the public commercial world) removes you from their jurisdiction. We know fraud voids all contracts so all one really has to do is recognize this fraud and withdraw your consent. Your silence was the consent in the first place. On the flip side of this coin, withdrawing your consent is not as easy as so many seem to think it is. The only success we may see is by forcing them (by their own rules) to PROVE we were acting through their strawman at the time of the claim. Proving such a thing with FACTS, EVIDENCE, and WITNESSES, is often not easy or would expose their fraud. However, if you permanently remove yourself from their jurisdiction (many if you call this vacating) then yes they have no jurisdiction over you, but you must learn to deal exclusively in the private to avoid the PRESUMPTIONS of contract. Contracts are fluid and dynamic. So just because you mailed your BC back to the state collapsing the trust, but then your CONDUCT implies consent, you are still PRESUMED to be in contract. Its basically the same as throwing your BC in the trash. All of your notices, claims of right, an statements are all voided the very second you act in the capacity that is seen by the PUBLIC. Without a strawman how can you have a bank account? Or receive PUBLIC benefits such as fire departments, police protection, public schools, bank loans, buy and sell property etc...EVEN TRADE FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES...You cant. Now Im not saying you NEED any of these benefits to exist in society but I AM saying that most of you are not competent enough to exist solely in the private. So walking into court and waiving your BC in the air screaming this is the person you want doesnt always work because they know or PRESUME by your actions and conduct, that you are in contract. 99% of society is so dependent on the PUBLIC democracy that it makes living in the private almost impossible unless you live in the woods like a hermit. If you were a hermit in the woods the likelihood of ending up in their court in the first place is slim. So if you ARE in court facing statutory charges under commercial/contract law its because your actions have IMPLIED your consent to their terms. If your pulled over in a REGISTERED vehicle and you present a DL, then its safe to presume your using their strawman that they created and therefore they have jurisdiction. They must prove this however which like I said can be difficult. None the less, you are in court because there is conflict. You have dishonored the terms of the contract your presumed (and probably are) a party to. Its been for this reason that I have been desperately looking for a remedy. There MUST be a way to exist in both the private AND the public. And there is. Understanding this one key thing will likely grant you your remedy. You can deprecate yourself from the strawman without completely abandoning it. You can create another fiction outside their jurisdiction, capable of dealing in the commercial capacity as well. So I said all that to say this, let your actions and conduct reflect your claims. If you claim to not be the person, then don use it or you will find yourself in conflict. If you do use it, understand how to administrate it IN HONOR to avoid conflict.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 17:25:35 +0000

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