Someone commented: Please educate women with facts, not fear - TopicsExpress


Someone commented: Please educate women with facts, not fear mongering. Can you not see that this is exactly how the medical field has been pushing unnecessary genital cutting on uneducated parents this whole time? They use the scare tactic of penile cancer, which a man only has a 1 in 100,000 chance of ever getting. Something he can completely eliminate the risk of getting by not smoking and simply washing his genitals. They use the scare tactic of infections (UTIs), which are the same between cut and intact boys as long as the caretakers arent forcibly retracting them for cleaning and using soaps. In the studies that did find an increase in UTIs it was only in the first year of life, and the chance of getting the UTIs were only 2%! That means that 98% of intact boys that got cut to prevent infections never would have got them in the first place! And, the remaining 2% could have been treated with medication, not amputation. They use the scare tactic of HIV or STDs, which are just as big of a problem for circumcised men. In many observational and clinical studies, STD/HIV rates were actually higher in cut men than intact men. They use the scare tactic of looking like daddy. Since when do guys sit around comparing out genitals with our fathers? I have never compared with my father - ever. I know that we dont match in that way, anyway, but who cares? We dont match in a lot of other features, either. They use the scare tactic of being teased in the locker room. 80% of men in the world still have all of their original equipment. Based on current statistics, about half of all American boys being born now are also getting to keep their original equipment. If he gets picked on, he should have plenty of backup by the time hes in that position. Even so, what other part of your son or daughters bodies would you alter so they dont get picked on by their peers in the locker room? Id say that fear mongering is exactly what is being used to continue this unethical, non-medially indicated, outdated practice. Fear mongering is the thing that continues to spread the myths that are heard over, and over, and over again anytime forced genital cutting (circumcision) is brought up as a topic. Its time to stop the fear mongering, and actually just look at the facts. The facts are clear that its a violation of bodily integrity and human rights to remove a normal, living, healthy part of a body of a person who is unable to consent.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 17:27:01 +0000

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