Someone commented on the Dog Behaviour Diploma yesterday, shocked - TopicsExpress


Someone commented on the Dog Behaviour Diploma yesterday, shocked to see Cesar Millan’s name mentioned. He’s a controversial figure and the marmite man of dog behaviour. As one of our Dog Behaviour Diploma students could tell you, he is mentioned in the course, and his methods, approach, beliefs and techniques discussed. Why? Because he represents a huge number of people who have the same approach. The dog behaviour world is divided down the middle by this man and his teachings. The course examines where that approach originates, the relative studies, and what its relevance is on actual dog behaviour. We don’t shy away from the name ‘Cesar Millan’ and won’t be bullied into pretending he doesn’t exist. We also look at all the latest studies, new findings, the change in attitudes, and the modern understandings concerning topics such as pack structure and dominance. Like it or not, both sides have just as many legitimate studies and as much research as the other, to support their viewpoint. The Dog Behaviour Diploma presents all this information, and allows the student to form his or her own educated opinion, rather than attempt to ram an opinion down their throat. Why do we do this? Because we are not so arrogant as to suggest that one thing is right, and everything else is wrong. The fact is, until a speaking dog comes along and tells us all what the case really is, nobody truly knows. It’s all conjecture, opinion and interpretation. A lot of the time, ‘studies’ and ‘academic papers’ are done by someone with a pre-existing opinion, and the study is done to support it. They get a paper or a book published and it’s considered ‘fact’ by everyone who agrees. That’s not the case. What we can say for sure is that the BCCS does not approve of aggressive techniques or animal cruelty. It does not approve of flooding where desensitisation works. It does not approve of confrontational techniques that are dangerous for dog owners to try and replicate. We do not agree with causing stress or distress to dogs. A lot of what Cesar believes is considered old fashioned and out of date, and it’s our job to educate. However, people need to remember that dog training and dog behaviour are not the same thing. While positive reinforcement is scientifically proven to be the most effective way for a dog to learn, and is perfect for dog training, not to mention the nicest and most agreeable approach for us dog lovers – when it comes to natural dog behaviour and how they are with one another, dogs don’t practice a ‘positive reinforcement only’ approach. Dogs don’t ignore the bad and reward the good. Dogs don’t hand out treats. Dogs are very physical, both in play and in aggression. Dogs use ‘discipline’ and ‘punishment’ as correctly defined in the course. Dogs growl, bark, threaten, warn and bite. Dogs can and will attempt to pin each other to the floor by the throat during play or fighting. For some, Cesar should be arrested and not allowed anywhere near dogs. For others, his approach is simply a more natural one, coming at things as a dog, rather than a dog trainer. On the subject of studies, dogs are not wolves. Nor are they children. There’s little point using studies on wolves, just as there is little point using studies on wild scavenger street dogs of South America. Our domesticated pet dogs are nothing like either. The only truly relevant studies are on domesticated pet dogs! But ironically, there aren’t enough of these, and the ones that exist involve very small numbers. Cesar has got a lot wrong according to many of these more recent studies, and even a few of the authors of the old school studies or books have reversed their opinion. But at the same time, Cesar very much puts the focus on the owner, personal energy, exercise levels, choosing the right dog for the right person, as well as preaching leadership. We feel it would be wrong to ignore him entirely. He may be too physical for some, but for others, he has helped save and rehabilitate hundreds if not thousands of dogs that would otherwise have been killed by now. (We prefer killed rather than put to sleep. Those dogs are definitely not sleeping). A lot of the time, opposing sides are arguing over semantics and descriptions. ‘Pack Leader’ becomes ‘resource controller’. ‘Pack Structure’ becomes ‘social structure’. On a lot of these topics, everyone agrees; they just use a different language! Along with Cesar and where his opinion came from, we present everything that opposes his beliefs, with the latest from John Bradshaw, the Coppingers, Serpell and Semyonova. We show you the latest understandings of the dog’s complex social structure. We discuss appeasement and how essentially, dogs just want to get along. We discuss how dogs behave differently depending on the value of the resource in question, and that it’s not quite as black and white as dominance and submission. We examine aggression, and question the existence of dominance based aggression. We include all these topics and debates, and we are the only College and course to do so. We are proud of the fact that we do not shy away from Cesar Millan. If this makes us controversial…good! Because we believe the key to truly understanding dogs is to know that all dogs are not the same, and NO single approach is right for every dog and owner. Dogs are too complex for that. And if you think your one approach is ‘fact’ and that everyone else is ‘wrong’, then you are way too narrow minded, naïve and ignorant to ever truly understand dogs, and we wouldn’t want you as a student! If you’ve enjoyed this post, are not already a student but interested in the topics and debates mentioned above, then get yourself enrolled on the British College of Canine Studies Dog Behaviour Diploma. britishcollegeofcaninestudies/wordpress/?product=dog-behaviour-diploma Share and Like to your hearts content, but we refuse to become another forum where people just argue and insult one another! There are plenty of places to go discuss Mr Millan, whether it be to support him or continue your anti Cesar campaign. Here is not one of those places. Comments on the course from existing students (who are the only ones in a position to comment on it), are welcome!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 08:50:43 +0000

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