Someone help me out here. The school district is supported by - TopicsExpress


Someone help me out here. The school district is supported by public funds, yes? We live in the Chatham School District and pay beaucoup property taxes. Did our tax dollars help finance this?? As well as tax dollars from the state and the feds? I dont care what anybody else is calling this in their carefully worded agreed-upon releases because we mustnt risk maligning his character, when you take something that isnt yours without it being given to you by the rightful owner, isnt that STEALING? And when you steal from an entity (let alone one thats supported by tax dollars), isnt that violating any laws? And why wouldnt it be prosecuted? I am soooooooooo disgusted and disturbed by this. Like this shining example of manhood couldnt find the funds in his $269K+ compensation package to pay for his wifes plane tickets or their health insurance premiums? Is it just me, or does anyone else think this charlatan would be a perfect cellmate for another narcissistic personality who abused the publics trust -- Blago. We sure know how to pick em here in the Land of Lincoln. I realize Im well past the sell-by date on young and idealistic but Im starting to feel a little Network-y: Im mad as hell and Im not going to take it anymore, but thats whats got me mad as hell -- apparently I AM going to continue to take this as taxpayers are repeatedly cheated and lied to. Where does it end? Ill give this to Richard M. Nixon, the first president who I was aware violated my trust -- at least he had the good sense to slink off into the twilight and not continuing to operate in public as if hed done nothing wrong. Why arent people ashamed of the illegal and dishonest crap they do? How do you survive a forensic audit that airs what youve done and then walk around in public as if youve not betrayed yourself and all the staff, parents and students in the school district? Im asking this sincerely, do you not have a conscience or just lack any morals at all or what made you think this was a good idea, mister?
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:59:11 +0000

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