Someone in the crowd said to him, Teacher, tell my brother to - TopicsExpress


Someone in the crowd said to him, Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me. Jesus replied, Man, WHO APPOINTED ME A JUDGE OR AN ARBITER BETWEEN YOU ? Then he said to them, WATCH OUT! BE ON YOUR GUARD AGAINST ALL KNOW KIND OF GREED; A MAN LIFE DOES NOT CONSIST IN THE ABUNDANCE OF HIS POSSESSIONS. And he told them this parable: the ground of a certain rich man produce good crops. He though to himself, what shall I do? I have no place to store my crops. Then he said , this is what I will do . I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my good. And I will say to my self. YOU HAVE PLENTY OF GOOD THINGS LAID UP FOR MANY YEARS. TAKE LIFE EASY; EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY. But God said to him, YOU FOOL! THIS VERY NIGHT YOUR LIFE WILL BE DEMANDED FROM YOU. THEN WHO WILL GET WHAT YOU PREPARED FOR YOURSELF ? This is how it WILL BE WITH ANYONE WHO STORES UP THINGS FOR HIMSELF BUT IS NOT RICH TOWARD God. ( Luke 12: 13-21)
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:07:09 +0000

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