Someone just commented on my status Youre a bitter nigga Let me - TopicsExpress


Someone just commented on my status Youre a bitter nigga Let me give him the privilege to reply him through this post. First of all I dont go looking for fights and I dont post for likes, I post for people to read. If anyone has a problem with that, then let me make them aware. Ill be posting about Raila till #2017 #Inshallah Back to my response about me being bitter: I don’t start fights and I don’t go looking for them. And yes Sir, Im a bitter nigga. But I don’t intend to change any time soon, and I don’t intend to stop making the arguments contained in my rants. I’m bitter for a very good set of reasons, and I’m bitter because I care about my country just the way conservatives claim to. I’m bitter in short, because I’m a patriot and defender of the ideas that Kenya is supposed to stand for. And what I really want to know is why those on the right aren’t equally outraged? I certainly don’t admire Uhuru, nor did I think he was remotely prepared to be president of Kenya. If Uhuru had governed like he campaigned I’m sure I would have no reason to dislike him. But he hasn’t governed anywhere near to how he campaigned, and he wasn’t even elected properly, and I do in fact feel huge anger at the damage done. I don’t mind that the Jubilee campaign fought hard to win the 2013 election. That was certainly a legitimate goal for them to pursue. But it nauseates me beyond belief and it sickens me to see Kenyans being taken for a ride. Oh yes, Im bitter, it boils my blood to see Turkanas dying of hunger when your president is busy taking selfies at State House. How is it possible not to be bitter and angry looking at the recent killings in Kapedo? And the bungled response of the government. What an unbelievable record of deceit, destruction, hypocrisy, incompetence and greed. What a tragic tale of lost lives, stolen elections, environmental crises,Constitution shredding, national shame and diminished security. All done by the very most pious amongst us, of course. Merry Christmas, eh? I guess those are our presents, all carefully wrapped in spin, contempt, and preemptive attacks on any of us impertinent enough to say No thanks, Santa”. So, yeah, you’re goddam right I’m bitter about what’s been done to my country, and what’s been done by my country in my name. How could anyone who claims to care about Kenya not be?
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 11:12:00 +0000

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