Someone might say. Korea’s Goryeo Dynasty was - TopicsExpress


Someone might say. Korea’s Goryeo Dynasty was so weak that it had to pay tribute to Mongol. Here is the response from Koreans. It is true that Goryeo was invaded by the mighty Mongol Empire. However, Goryeo was the only country that protected its sovereignty from the Mongolian invasion!! Someone might say. Korea’s Joseon Dynasty was an unfortunate country whose king was humiliated by the Chinese Qing Dynasty. Here is the response from Koreans. It is true that Joseon’s king was humiliated during the Manchu invasion of Korea. However, Joseon kept its sovereignty, unlike the Chinese, who lost their sovereignty to the Manchus for nearly 300 years. Someone might ask. Koreans are proud of their 5000 years of history. Why do you find pride in a long history? Here is the response from Koreans. There were very few kingdoms that lasted for over 500 years. Korea’s Goguryeo and Baekje lasted for about 700 years. That is quite rare in history. Korea’s Silla lasted for nearly 1,000 years. That is unprecedented in history. Korea’s Goryeo and Joseon lasted for about 500 years. Korea’s kingdoms lasted for as long as 1,000 years. What made this possible were our ancestors outstanding national management system and the maturity of the people. Someone might ask. Koreans are proud of their rich cultural heritage. What are some of the most widely known and large-scale examples of cultural heritage? Here is the response from Koreans. Korea has 11 documents registered on the UNESCO Memory of the World. Korea is ranked first in Asia and fourth in the world for the number of UNESCO documentary heritage. If you consider both the quality and the quantity of documentary heritage, the ranking slightly changes. Then, international experts say that Korea is the world’s No. 1 in world documentary heritage. There are famous world heritage sites constructed through the enormous labor and time of the people. We Koreans are not envious of the Great Wall, the Coliseum, the Acropolis, or pyramids. Instead, we are proud of our documentary heritage that our ancestors left to us. The documentary heritage doesn’t have such amazing magnificence. However, they carry our ancestors’ wisdom and knowledge. “Donguibogam: Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine” (1610) (Inscribed to the UNESCO Memory of the World Register in 2009) The author, Heo Jun, conducted extensive research on diseases for 15 years. After numerous clinical trials, he compiled a list of treatments for diseases. “Nanjung Ilgi: War Diary of Admiral Yi Sun-sin (1592-1598)” (Inscribed to the UNESCO Memory of the World Register in 2013) It is a diary of a wartime commander, who saved the country against enemies armed with advanced weaponry. The author, Yi Sun-sin, recorded the progress of battles in detail. The diary reflects his great will to have future generations prepared for invasions. Someone might say. Koreans claim that Korea has great history. However, Korea hasn’t made any profound impact on world history!! Here is the response from Koreans. Korea has great cultural heritage that changed world history. Time Magazine, the BBC, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post These renowned media recognized “movable metal type printing” as the greatest invention of all time. Movable metal type printing enabled the spread of knowledge and information, which used to be limited to the privileged. Subsequently, it caused revolutionary changes in western history. It is Korea’s Goryeo Kingdom that invented movable metal type printing. Goryeo printed documents with movable metal type, 78 years earlier than Gutenberg’s Bible. Goryeo’s Jikji was printed in 1377 by using movable metal type. Goryeo’s movable metal type technology greatly influenced Japan and other Asian countries. There is no tomorrow for people who lose their history. There is no hope for a country whose ancestors’ dreams fail to be passed down to their descendants. In the 21st century, young Koreans want to say to their ancestors. Thank you for protecting the country for the past 5000 years. Now, we will follow your path and protect our history and culture. We don’t admire constructions that were built with tears and blood. As shown in Donguibogam and Nanjung Ilgi, we will inherit the spirit of giving hope to others! As shown in the invention of movable metal type, we will inherit the spirit of creativity! VANK is looking for young Koreans who will inherit the dreams of our ancestors. We will pass down the dreams and visions of our ancestors to future generations. Like our ancestors, we will make peace in Asia. Like our ancestors, we will change the world. Through our efforts, we make a better future for the world
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 05:08:50 +0000

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